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LW nesting boxes attract bluebirds

LW nesting boxes attract bluebirds LW nesting boxes attract bluebirds


by Esther Cummings

LW contributor

Have you noticed how bluebirds are flocking to Leisure World? One reason for the increase is that last spring, three nesting boxes were hung in open, grassy areas in LW. The boxes were supplied by the Bluebird Program of El Dorado Audubon Society. Volunteers monitor the boxes and report their findings to the Audubon Society. These beautiful birds are insect eaters and find lots to eat in LW’s open green areas, on the ground and in the air. They stay here all year, as they do not migrate. Bluebirds can typically produce between two and four broods during the spring and summer. Males identify potential nest sites and try to attract prospective female mates to those nesting sites with special behaviors that include singing and flapping wings, and then placing some material in a nesting box or cavity.

They congregate in small flocks or family groups. In winter, they may add berries to their diet. For nesting, they require small cavities or bird boxes.

Watch for them on your next walk.

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