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Golf Course COVID-19 Restrictions

Turtle Lake Golf Course was reopened Jan. 27. The following rules have been revised to address some issues that have developed since then and to inform all golfers of course etiquette and protocol. A copy may be obtained at the golf course in English and Korean: GOLF COURSE RULES

• All rounds will be booked through the golf starter by online reservation the day before play at Hours of play are from 8 a.m.-4 p.m.

• Golfers may call on the day of play to see if a tee time is still available.

• Walk-ins will be accepted at the discretion of the starter, but may be turned away at any time.

• Phone-in and walk-in golfers will be limited to one round at all hours of play.

• Cutting or playing out of sequence is strictly prohibited. Violators will be removed from the course.

• All players must have their own golf bag and clubs, no sharing.

• No tournament play will be allowed at this time.

• Only rounds of one or up to four golfers will be permitted, and the names of all golfers, with Mutual and apartment numbers, must be submitted at the time of booking.

• Golfers must state three tee times, in order of preference, in case their first choice is not available.

• Golfers may not arrive sooner than 10 minutes before their tee times, and all tee times will be spread 10 minutes apart.

• Masks and 6-foot distancing will always be required.

• No gathering will be permitted before or after rounds have been played.

• No golfer may touch any other golfer’s equipment, including golf balls.

• The Starter Shack will be closed to all gatherings and will only be available for restroom use.

• The starter can only be addressed through the protective window area.

• The putting green will also be open with all required restrictions on a first come, first served basis (mask required).

• The golf starter will have the final say in all matters.

• The following are additional restrictions on the course: »No score cards will be provided. »No posting of scores. »Ball washers have been removed from the course. »Shoe cleaning station is off limits due to touch surfaces. »Flag sticks are to remain in the hole with a suitable method to fill the cups so that golf balls are readily accessible. »No food or beverage services allowed. »Patio chairs and benches have been removed.

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