Exercise can help you keep your balance
By CJ Blomquist
If seems as if it’s harder to get out of a chair, and you’re not as steady on your feet as you were before, you’re not imagining it. Age can affect how well we balance. That may not sound so bad, but if you’ve ever had a fall, you know it can be scary to lose your balance.
The good news is you can do something about it.
There are simple exercises you can do at home, such as the ones below. Be sure to check with your doctor whether these moves are safe for you.
Heel-to-toe walk: Start with one foot in front of the other. The heel of one foot should almost touch the toes of the other. Take a step forward, again putting one heel right in front of the other foot’s toes. Continue for 20 steps. If you feel a little unsteady, try this near a wall for support.
Standing marches: Holding onto the back of a chair, stand with your legs hip-width apart. Slowly raise one leg, then hold it. Lower your leg and repeat with the other. Do this 20 times for each leg.
Head rotations: Stand with your legs hip-width apart. Slowly turn your head to look over one shoulder. Raise your head up and down. Slowly turn your head and repeat this over the other shoulder. Do this for 30 seconds. Use the back of a chair for support. If you feel dizzy, stop.
If you have a regular workout routine, see if there are other balance exercises you can include. You might also want to try relaxing exercises such as tai chi.