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Beit HaLev

Beit HaLev Beit HaLev

Be happy, it’s Purim! Tonight, Feb. 25, is Erev Purim, and Beit HaLev will present a special Purim Shpiel (play) to celebrate Judaism’s craziest festival. Bring your own libation and noisemakers to our “Zoomagogue,” and if you wear a costume, you will be given a role to play. If anyone wears the same costume as someone else, the role will be shared. Scripts and music will be sent to those who want to participate. There will be no rehearsals because the more chaos, the more fun it will be. To Join on Zoom, go to GTE1OUXI5VXFDTWtuZHF4K3VxUT09. The meeting ID is 915 243 4704, and the passcode is RavGalit.

Beit HaLev’s Coffee Chavurah on Zoom will celebrate the Sabbath evening, Friday, Feb. 26, at 5:30, followed by the evening service at 6. On Saturday, Feb. 27, the morning service begins at 10:30, followed by the Coffee Chavurah.

Beit HaLev continues to livestream on Facebook as well. To attend, go to Rabbi Galit Shirah’s website at

Beit HaLev’s prayerbooks, “Lev L’Lev,” are shared onscreen on both Zoom and Facebook.

On Saturday morning, the Torah reading will be “Tetzaveh” (further instruct). It describes the special clothing to be worn by Aaron, the High Priest. The hem of his robe was decorated with pomegranates of blue, crimson and purple with alternating bells of gold echoing the colors of the tabernacle. The reading continues with a description of his headdress and the inscription, “Holy to Adonai” in pure gold, followed by instructions on the ritual of sacrifices made in preparation for the ordination of Aaron and his sons.

Rabbi Shirah conducts a weekday Ma’ariv service every Thursday for Sim Shalom, the online synagogue. Sim Shalom presents livestream services Monday-Thursday, with a different rabbi each day. To say Kaddish, pray for healing and to hear a spiritual message, go to

Zoom classes for beginning Hebrew and Pirke Avot will begin soon. For information, contact the rabbi at (562) 715-0888 or

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