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Assembly of God

Assembly of God Assembly of God

By Sheryl Franco


What delights your heart? My heart’s delight these days centers on family. We just celebrated a milestone birthday with my mother. As a surprise, I asked our sons, daughters-in-law and grandchildren to each write a special thought or memory to read to Gigi at our little family gathering. Each of my mother’s grandchildren and great-grandchildren read a unique memory or tribute to her. The children presented theirs in handmade cards of construction paper and crayon. The sweet voices expressing their love and appreciation for sleepovers, meals at In-N-Out, intense “conversations” between Gigi and a 4 -month-old infant, road trips, and the world’s best brownies brought tears to everyone’s eyes, especially the birthday girl. To sit and experience the quiet joy of the moment was a sweet delight I will always treasure. Delight plucks a tender heartstring that mere happiness can never find.

The promise of God that Pastor Chuck will share about this Sunday, Feb. 28, comes from Psalm 37:4: “Delight yourself in the Lord, and he will give you the desires of your heart.”

How do we delight ourselves in the Lord, and what are the desires of our heart?

Delight is used as a verb here, a word that necessitates action. There is an instruction here that requires us to submit our will to his will. It compels us to look to God, not our own ideas or efforts, to define and realize our hearts’ desires.

One source tells us that the heart in Scripture references the ruling center of the whole person. It is the spring of all desires, as we have heard it said that the “heart wants what the heart wants.” But Jeremiah 17:9-10 says the heart is deceitful above all things and desperately sick. Who wants to attain the desires that spring from that kind of heart?

I would suggest the referenced statement be modified to read that the heart wants what we allow it to want. We are naturally predisposed to put ourselves in God’s place and make the achievement of our own selfish desires preeminent. Something miraculous and holy happens when we delight ourselves in the Lord. The more we delight ourselves in the Lord, the more the darkness diminishes. The more the darkness diminishes, the more pure and God-honoring our hearts’ desires becomes. The more pure and God-honoring our hearts’ desires become, the more we desire to delight ourselves in the Lord. See how that works?

Delight yourself in fresh ways in the Lord this week. Begin to redefine your heart’s desire. Before you open your Bible to read, ask God to give you insight into scripture that you have never had before. Ask him to reveal truth through his word that is relevant to your triumphs and your struggles. Pray intentionally, acknowledging that you are in the presence of the king of kings. Revel in his goodness. Thank him for his kindness. Delight yourself in the Lord, and enjoy the fulfillment of your heart’s desire.

Join Assembly of God in the Amphitheater on Sundays at 11 a.m. for live worship, biblically faithful preaching and the fellowship of happy people.

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