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Retirement—what does it mean to you?


by Steve Lopez

special to the LW Weekly

Happy 2021 to one and all at Seal Beach Leisure World. I hope it’s a better year than 2020, and that we begin to get past this horrible pandemic before much longer.

My name is Steve Lopez. I’m an author and an L.A. Times columnist. I’m 67, and who knows? I might be a neighbor of yours one day. I’ve been to Seal Beach Leisure World before, and it looks like a lovely place.

I am currently contemplating retirement and writing a book about it, scheduled for publication next year. I’m trying to figure out how to know when it’s time to begin the next chapter of my life, and Randy Ankeny, executive director of the Golden Rain Foundation, suggested I write a short column to explain my interest in chatting with you.

Of course there are financial considerations in deciding when to retire, but that’s not my focus. I’m looking at the spiritual side of retirement, the reinvention part of it, the challenge of creating a new identity and making the necessary adjustments.

I have felt privileged to work as a journalist for 47 years, but I wonder if it’s time to try something different, or to pursue travel and other interests while I’m still healthy enough to enjoy those things. I do wonder, however, if I’d be a fool to walk away from something I enjoy so much. Will I be able to create a new identity for myself, and will it be as fulfilling as my work is now?

I know it’s advisable to find a purpose in retirement, to take up hobbies, to volunteer, to socialize, to remain engaged and active. In retirement, I hope to do those very things. But even so, will it be harder to find contentment, will I regret my decision, and will I be scratching at the door, begging to have my job back?

Many of you have been down this road, and I’m interested in talking to you about lessons learned.

For those of you who are still working, are you hoping to retire soon?

For those of you who are retired, do you wish you had worked longer, or retired earlier?

I recently interviewed Mel Brooks about all of this. The famous movie producer is 94 and still working. His advice to me was to cut back on work, try some new things, and enjoy the best of both worlds.

I’m interested in any and all comments you may have, some of which I might like to include in my book. If you would like to comment but not be identified, we can work out a deal, maybe to use just a first name. You could email me your thoughts if you like, or I can call you if you prefer. If and when it’s safe and allowable, perhaps I can visit. I just got my second vaccination, so I have some protection.

Thanks for your consideration, and if you’d like to get in touch, email me at this address:

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