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Redeemer Lutheran & St. Theodore’s

By Lisa Rotchford


God is with us, wherever we are.

God loves us, however we are.

God redeems us, whomever we are.

As we continue to be limited physically by our COVID-19 safety measures, we can spiritually journey toward Easter on Sunday, April 4. This year, Lent forces us to slow down and examine biblically what it means to be physically limited but free in God, through Christ and the strength of the Holy Spirit.

It is not how we worship, but who we worship. No matter our physical state, do we worship God in everything we do? Do we reflect his love for us in our love for one another? Do we face each day confidently, knowing our futures rests in our redeemer?

The first sentence — God is with us, wherever we are — reminds us the prophet Isaiah (7:14) foretold a messiah would be born called Emmanuel, which means “God with us.” God, who formed the world at creation and creates each and everyone of us, remains with us always.

In the Christian tradition, we are called on Ash Wednesday to remember human life was formed as God breathed into the dust from the ground. We are called to remember as ashes mark our foreheads that “we are dust, and to dust we shall return.” From our very beginning through every step of our life and into eternal life, God is with us. Remember, you are never alone and know you are loved by the one who created you, loves you and redeems you forever.

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