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GRF BOD Meeting Agenda

Tuesday, Feb. 23, 10 a.m.

Clubhouse 4 and via Livestream

To view the live GRF Board meeting, go to The livestreaming uses YouTube live and terminates at the close of the meeting.

1) Call to Order/Pledge of Allegiance 2) Roll Call 3) President’s Comments a) Announcements 4) Seal Beach City Council Member’s Update 5) Shareholder/Member Comments a) Written, submitted prior to meeting b) Verbal, via live streaming Note: Foundation Shareholders/Members are permitted to make comments before the meeting business of the Board begins. The Open Meeting Act allows boards of directors to establish reasonable time limits for the open forum and for speakers to address the board. (Civ. Code §4925(b).) Time limits, per speaker, are limited to: four minutes when there are no more than 15 speakers; three minutes, 16-25 speakers; and two minutes, more than 26 speakers.

6) Consent Calendar a) Committee/Board meetings for the month of January i) Minutes of the Recreation Committee Board Meeting of Jan. 4 ii) Minutes of the Executive Committee Board Meeting of Jan. 8 iii) Minutes of the Finance Committee Board Meeting of Jan. 15 b) GRF Board of Directors Minutes, Jan. 26 c) Special GRF Board of Directors Minutes, Jan. 29 d) February GRF Board Report, dated Feb. 23 e) Accept Financial Statements, January, for Audit f) Approve Reserve Funds Investment Purchase g) Approve Capital Funds Investment Purchase 7) Reports a) AB 3182 Ad Hoc Committee b) Bulk Cable Services Ad Hoc Committee c) COVID-19 Ad Hoc Committee d) Strategic Planning Ad Hoc Committee e) Website Ad Hoc Committee 8) New Business a) General i) Assignment and Assumption of Lease, Monarch Care, a Division of Optum b) Consent Calendar: AB 3182 i) Amend 30-1022-3, Petitions ii) TENTATIVE VOTE: Amend 70-1400-1, Use of GRF (Trust) Facilities iii) TENTATIVE VOTE: Amend 70-1406-1, Limitations on Use of Trust Property—Rules iv) TENTATIVE VOTE: Amend 70-1429.02-1, Golf Course Rules v) TENTATIVE VOTE: Amend 70-1468-1, Swimming Pool Rules vi) TENTATIVE VOTE: Amend 70-2504-1, The Library—Rules c) Executive Committee i) 401(k) Benefits Renewal ii) Employee Health Benefits Renewal iii) TENTATIVE VOTE: Amend 30-1220-1, Sub-committee Member/Owner (M/O) Specialist iv) TENTATIVE VOTE: Amend 30-5093-2, Member/Owner (M/O) Renter/Lessee (R/L) Rules of Conduct, Non-compliance with Rules of Conduct—Fines and Penalties d) Finance Committee i) Capital Funding Request—Purchasing Office Improvements e) Physical Property Committee i) Capital Funding Request—Turtle Lake, Electric Power ii) Reserve Funding Request—RV Lot, Entrance iii) Reserve Funding Request—Service Maintenance, Entry Gate Replacement f) Recreation Committee i) Acceptance of GAF Donation, Clubhouse 4, Ice Machine ii) Reserve and Capital Funding Requests—Clubhouse 2, Pool and Game, Renovation and Enhancement iii) Capital Funding Request—Clubhouses 3 and 6, Outdoor Patio Areas iv) Approve Temporary Use of Trust Property, Tax Preparation g) Consent Calendar: Security, Bus & Traffic Committee i) TENTATIVE VOTE: Adopt 80-5580-1, Entry Passes—Rules ii) TENTATIVE VOTE: Adopt 80-5580-2, Entry Passes—Fees iii) Adopt 80-5580-3, Entry Passes—Procedures iv) TENTATIVE VOTE: Adopt 80-1930-1, Traffic—Rules v) Adopt 80-1930-3, Traffic—Procedures vi) TENTATIVE VOTE: Adopt 80-1937-1, Parking—Rules vii) TENTATIVE VOTE: Adopt 80-1937-2, Parking—Fees viii) Rescind 80-5536-1, Guest Passes ix) Rescind 80-1920-1, Traffic Rules and Regulations x) Rescind 80-1925-1, Traffic Rules and Regulations—Enforcement on Trust Property xi) Rescind 80-1927-1, Parking Rules for Trust Property xii) Rescind 80-1928-1, Golf Cart and Low Speed Vehicle Rules 9) Board Member Comments 10) Next Meeting/Adjournment The next regular GRF Board of Directors meeting is scheduled for March 23 at 10 a.m. in Clubhouse 4.

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