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Democratic Club

By Mary Larson

LW contributor

Leisure World Democratic Club President Mary Tromp, Seal Beach Democratic Club President Nathan Searles and 72nd Democratic Alliance Club President Mai Khanh Tran have been elected for two-year terms as members of the party’s State Central Committee. Thanks to all members of our club who voted for these three local leaders.

The Democratic State Central Committee (DSCC) is the governing body for the California Democratic Party (CDP). Members are responsible for voting on behalf of the community they represent at regional meetings, as well as at the party’s state conventions. They also vote for the California Democratic Party’s endorsements for partisan legislative and statewide offices, positions on ballot propositions, establishment of the official Democratic State Party Platform, and CDP Resolutions.

Democrats in the 72nd Assembly District elected 11 other people to the state central committee in addition to the three club presidents. Five of the winners – Tracy La, Niki Nguyen, Vincent Tran, Dan Ma and Gina Tiffany – had run on a Party of the People slate. La, by way of receiving the most votes, was also elected to the Party’s Executive Committee.

La is the founder of Viet-RISE, an immigrant and social justice nonprofit organization dedicated to organizing Vietnamese communities in Orange County to advance social and economic equity in OC’s immigrant communities. In 2018, she co-developed a countywide electoral campaign that engaged 24,000 youth of color for OC’s three major congressional races, including LW’s own District 48.

••• Costa Mesa Mayor Katrina Foley is the only Democratic Party endorsed candidate running in the current election for the Orange County Board of Supervisors. To more get information about this election, email

••• If you are a Democrat or a supporter of Democratic principles and want to know more about the club, subscribe to the electronic newsletter at no cost by emailing democraticclubsblw@gmail. com or calling (562) 296-8521. Remember to include your full contact information.

If you have not already joined or renewed your membership for 2021, do so before the end of February if at all possible. Even if you are unable to pay the annual dues at this time or unable to attend our Zoom meetings, your membership is still important. Numbers matter, especially when re-chartering our club with the Democratic Party of Orange County(DPOC). Bothnew and renewal 2021 membership forms are available by calling (562) 431-7275 or online at democratic-club-membership-2/.

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