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Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints

By Jim Greer

LW contributor

An article in Liahona’s February online issue, David Dickson of Church Magazines juxtaposed the expression of love on Valentine’s Day with Christlike love. Valentine’s Day can be wonderful or miserable, depending on one’s life experiences and current relationships. But Christ-like love – which has little to do with chocolates or flowers – can be shared and felt by everyone every day regardless of their circumstances.

A perfect example of Christlike love was on display during a general conference address given by Elder Joseph B. Wirthlin on the topic of the “pure love of Christ.” In his presentation, Wirthlin described the experience of an elderly couple who had been married for many years. As the wife became less capable, she could not do the one simple thing that brought a smile to her face, painting her fingernails. As a show of Christ-like love, her husband cheerfully assumed the duty of regularly painting her nails. “That is an example of the pure love of Christ,” Wirthlin declared.

He continued, “Sometimes the greatest love is not found in the dramatic scenes that poets and writers immortalize. Often, the greatest manifestations of love are the simple acts of kindness and caring we extend to those we meet along the path of life.”

Halfway through his conference address, those seated in the audience and the dais observed Wirthlin losing his stability. He breathed in short gasps as his body began to tremble. At that moment, President Russell M. Nelson (then Elder Nelson) got up from his seat, walked toward the pulpit, lovingly stood behind Wirthlin, and firmly but gently supported his arm and lower back. Nelson’s calming presence remained until Wirthlin concluded his speech.

Note that Nelson didn’t miraculously take away Wirthlin’s struggles. Nor did he remove the physical challenges that are incident to aging. Instead, he quietly and lovingly supported a fellow quorum member during a difficult moment. These actions taken by Nelson are a perfect example of Christ-like love, powerfully underscoring the topic of Wirthlin’s conference talk.

Valentine’s Day limits its expression of true love to simple cards, flowers, and gifts given one day a year. But Christlike love is extended to everyone every day of the year. Our capacity and opportunity to show love, whether or not we’re in a romantic relationship, should be given to all of God’s children. And receiving that kind of love is as essential to spiritual well-being as food and air are to the body.

Nelson’s example of Christlike love provides a marvelous template for each of us. We can watch closely for the struggles of others and quickly perform supportive acts of love.

We demonstrate Christ-like love in expressing genuine concern and appreciation and by weaving kindness into greetings of genuine caring. Simply smiling and saying hello to a fellow child of God is the simplest form of ministering and the hallmark of followers of Christ.

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