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pink roses. Remember “You’ve Got ….

pink roses. Remember “You’ve Got …. pink roses. Remember “You’ve Got ….

pink roses. Remember “You’ve Got Mail?”

Our first cruise was on the Windjammer Flying Cloud around the Virgin Islands. There were 51 shipmates and upper and lower cabins as big as our bathroom. It was then we decided that if we could survive that, we could live together. I retired, and we moved into our beach bungalow. We unpacked a few boxes, then took off for a Tahiti-Hawaii cruise. Fast forward all these years, and Keith is still my “Valentine in Uniform,” gentle and kind (but I did have to teach him to dance and snorkel).

Cindy Gannon, Mutual 4

My Valentine—Forever Yours

(dedicated to those who grieve)

On Valentine’s Day every desk was covered with heart-shaped candies proclaiming Love, Kisses, You’re #1, Hugs, Be Mine, Forever Yours… Our inclusive-minded 5th grade teacher told us, Yes, you may hand out valentines, but only if to all. That was 60 years ago… My heart became exclusive In its love for only you. If I could, I’d give you the largest candy heart in the universe. (All in the realm of oh-if-only…) With tearful eyes I raise my hands to heaven, I offer my heart, not candied, but alive and beating. My dearest, my heart, look down and smile and read the simple words: Love…My Love…Be Mine… I am Forever Yours!

Fred Wind, Mutual 12

Cindy Gannon and Keith Kelsay are celebrating 23 years together.

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