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Beit HaLev

Beit HaLev’s Coffee Chavurah on Zoom will celebrate the Sabbath evening on Friday, Feb. 12, at 5:30, followed by the evening service at 6. On Saturday, Feb. 13, the morning service begins at 10:30, followed by the Coffee Chavurah. To join on Zoom, go to: https://us02web. xUT09. The meeting ID is 915 243 4704, and the passcode is RavGalit.

Beit HaLev continues to livestream on Facebook as well. To attend, go to Rabbi Galit Shirah’s website at

Beit HaLev’s prayerbooks, “Lev L’Lev,” are shared onscreen on both Zoom and Facebook.

The Torah reading for Shabbat is from Exodus 22:4-23:19, “Mishpatim” (rules). Following last week’s reading of the Decalogue (the 10 Commandments), HaShem delivers specific Laws regarding both civil and criminal matters. Unlike the previous Laws of Hammurabi, the Israelite Laws were to be publicly read. These are considered “Covenantal” Laws, making Judaic legal decisions unique among the near Eastern cultures. Many of the principles apply to women, another difference.

Shirah conducts a weekday Ma’ariv service every Thursday for Sim Shalom, the online synagogue. Sim Shalom presents livestream services Monday-Thursday, with a different rabbi each day. To say Kaddish, pray for healing and to hear a spiritual message, go to

Zoom classes for beginning Hebrew and Pirke Avot will begin this month. Classes have been delayed due to the postponement of Shirah’s cataract surgery. For information, contact the rabbi at (562) 715-0888 or

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