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Recap of Special GRF Board Activity, Jan. 29

Approved AB 3182 Ad Hoc Committee Consent Agenda:

MOVED and duly approved the AB 3182 Ad Hoc Committee consent agenda: amend 30-1001-5, Glossary of Terms; amend 50-3182-1, Member/Owner (M/O) Renter/Lessee (R/L)— Rules; and amend 40-3182-2, Member/Owner (M/O) Renter/ Lessee (R/L)—Fees, Fines and Deposits, as amended.

The Board concurred to remove consent agenda item 70-1480-1, Arts and Crafts Festival, for discussion.

Amend 70-1480-1, Arts and Crafts Festival: MOVED and duly approved to amend 70-1480-1, Arts and Crafts Festival, updating document language and identifying who may sell as “GRF legal resident,” as amended. The Board concurred to remove consent agenda items 50-1641-4A, Seal Beach Mutual Lease Information, and 50-1641-4, Seal Beach Mutual 17—Lease Agreement, to refer to corporate counsel, for review.

COVID-19 Ad Hoc Committee— FINAL VOTE: 70-1448-3R, Emergency Operational Procedures—Mission Park, Phase TWO: MOVED to adopt emergency action policy 70-1448-3R for Trust property identified as Mission Park, under the provisions civil code (§4360(d).), identifying who may use the Multi-use Courts as “GRF legal resident,” as amended.

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