Republican Club

By Brian Harmon
LW contributor
“The 2020 election is over; let’s move on,” said LW Republican ClubPresident David Harlow at the club’s January meeting. The club’s two major current projects are the election of John Moorlach for county supervisor and getting signatures for the recall petitions against Gov. Gavin Newsom.
Kitty Hammerschmidt opened the meeting with a prayer that God will help us to be the kind of citizens he wants us to be. She also announced that she is retiring this year as club secretary. Harlow praised her service, saying that she called most of the volunteers to man the booth and always helped with additional tasks for the club.
During the meeing, Harlow emphasized that Moorlach is the candidate endorsed by the OC Republican Party and is the most qualified candidate. Moorlach first ran for county treasurer 1994 because he worried about the potential financial danger OC faced due to the risky investments made by his opponent. A month after the election, on Dec. 6, the county was forced to declare bankruptcy.
Moorlach gained bipartisian respect from OC voters and lawmakers for his prediction and served the remainder of the incumbent treasurer’s term. Moorlach remained the OC treasurer until he was elected county supervisor for District 2 in 2006 and served until 2015, when he was elected to the California state senate until 2020.
During the meeting, Harlow also led a discussion of the Newsom recall effort. The date of the election will be chosen by the govenor 60–90 days after the minimum required number of signatures are verified.
The first question on the ballot will ask if the governor should be recalled. The second section of the ballot will ask voters who should fill the vacancy if the governor is recalled. Voters will be given a list of names of all of the candidates who have successfully applied, along with their party preference. •••• Recall petitions and other information will be available at the club’s booth in the parking lot by Building 6 from 11 a.m.–2 p.m. on Monday, Feb. 1. Any voter registered in OC can sign the petition.
For information about the club or to get a recall petition, email or call him at 335-0779.