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Recap of GRF Board Activity—Jan. 26

Approved Consent Agenda:

MOVED and duly approved the Committee/Board meeting minutes for the month of December 2020: the minutes of the Dec. 11, 2020, Recreation Committee Board meeting; the minutes of the Dec. 21, 2020, Executive Committee Board meeting; the minutes of the GRF Board of Directors meeting, dated Dec. 23, 2020; the minutes of the Special GRF Board of Directors meeting, dated Dec. 30, 2020; the GRF Board Report, dated Jan. 26; acceptance of the Financial Statements, December 2020, for Audit; and the Reserve Funds Investment Purchase.

General—Reopening— Amphitheater (for Religious Services): MOVED to approve the reopening of the Trust Property amenity identified as Amphitheater (for religious purposes) under emergency action 70-1448-3D and provisions of prevalent Orange County public health and safety orders.

General Reopening—Mission Park (Bocce Ball and Multi-Use Courts): MOVED to approve the reopening of Trust Property amenity identified as Mission Park, including the Bocce Ball and Multi-Use Courts, under emergency action 70-1448-3C, and provisions of prevalent Orange County public health and safety orders.

General Reopening—Golf Course: MOVED to approve the reopening of Trust Property amenity identified as Turtle Lake Golf Course under emergency action 70-1448-3T, and provisions of prevalent Orange County public health and safety orders.

General Reopening—Veterans Plaza: MOVED to approve the reopening of Trust Property commonly identified as Veterans Plaza under emergency action 70-1448-3P and provisions of prevalent Orange County public health and safety orders.

General Non-budgeted Funding, Fire Protection Service for Trust Property: MOVED to terminate the contract with National Fire Protection for failure to provide services and award a three-year contract, for a total not to exceed $24,192, with All American Fire Systems, Operating funding, and authorize the President to sign the contract.

General Emergency Reserve Funding—Sewer Lift Station, Clubhouse 2: MOVED to ratify the emergency action and relative Reserve expenditures, in the amount of $25,547, for the replacement of critical components of the Sewer Lift Station at Clubhouse 2, per Pumpman proposal 18115R1, dated Jan. 13.

General Non-budgeted Funding, COVID Vaccinations: MOVED to approve $50,000 of non-budget operational funding for the sole purpose to support actions of OC Heath Care Agency and Optum to dispense the COVID-19 vaccine to community members on-site.

Executive Committee Amend 30-5093-1, Member Rules of Conduct: MOVED to amend 30-5093-1, Member Rules of Conduct, clarifying prohibited behaviors, adding Member/Owner and Renter/Lessee wording, and adding wording applicable to GRF staff and GRFcontracted service providers while in the Mutuals.

Executive Committee Adopt 30-3182-1, Member/Owner (M/O) Responsibility for Renter/Lessee (R/L): MOVED to adopt 30-3182-1, Member/ Owner (M/O) Responsibility for Renter/Lessee (R/L).

Executive Committee Approve GRF Election Materials: MOVED to approve the 2021 election materials and the election process for the 2021 GRF Board of Directors election.

Executive Committee Award Election Provider Contract: MOVED to approve a three-year contract with Accurate Voting Services Inc. as Inspector of Elections under Civil Code §5110, in the amount of $121,552, per proposal dated Jan. 14, and authorize the President to sign the agreement.

Recreation Committee Amend 70-1445-1, Mission Park: MOVED to amend 70-1445-1, Mission Park, adding renters/lessees as users of the multi-use facilities and indicating that 911, rather than GRF Security, be contacted when persons are injured, as presented.

Security, Bus & Traffic Committee Conceptual approval— Contracted/Off-site Bus Service: MOVED to conceptually approve contracted off-property bus service, one day per week, for seven operational hours of service and authorize the Security, Bus & Traffic Committee to fully develop the necessary agreements and to seek the Finance Committee’s determination if sufficient non-budgeted operational funds would be available. The Security, Bus & Traffic Committee shall return to the Board a formal request upon satisfying the following conditions: Finance Committee determination on the availability of non-budget operational funding to support the proposed transportation service, with possible cost-recovery options, public health and safety orders would allow for the full use of a 16-passenger bus, complete contract for the proposed service, and compliance to insurance provisions as approved by the carrier.

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