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Popular series will be offered online


The Alzheimer’s Family Center (AFC) is offering its popular Mind Booster series every Tuesday for five weeks from 1-3 p.m. starting Feb. 16. The AFC offered this series at a cost last year, and the program filled to capacity. Now it is offering it for free over Zoom. The series includes a variety of experts giving information on how to stay cognitively healthy despite the rigors of stay-at-home orders and the isolation they bring.

The schedules is as follows:

• Feb. 16—Week 1: Dr. Joey Gee, neurologist

•Feb. 23—Week 2: Dr. Nasira Burkeholder- Cooley, nutritionist

•March 2—Week 3: Dr. Cheryl Alvarez, psychologist

•March 9—Week 4: Fay Blix, elder law attorney

•March 16—Week 5: Patrick Wallis, AFC activities director Register by emailing josuna@afscenter. org or call (714) 593-9630.

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