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New Service Provider Pledges Excellence

New Service Provider Pledges Excellence New Service Provider Pledges Excellence

The GRF has awarded J& J Landscaping, owned by Jose Anguiano, the contract for golf course and community facilities landscaping effective this month. J & J Landscaping also services Mutuals 1, 2, 5, 8, 10, 14 and 17. Jose’s brother John of John’s Landscape held the contract prior to January. The GRF wants to thank John for his many year’s of excellent service to the community.

John and his younger brother, Frank, began work in the community in the early 1970s, when landscapers were GRF employees.

When GRF disbanded the landscaping team and hired outside landscape companies, John and Frank started their own companies and began obtaining contracts.

Frank Anguiano has worked for Mutuals and independently on smaller projects for many years.

John’s Landscape began upkeep on the golf course and community facilities in 2015, a contract held by Associated Landscape Management (ALM) for many years.

In February 2018, John changed the name of his company to Anguiano Lawn Care in keeping with its focus on grounds maintenance, rather than tree and arbor work.

The company installed many sprinkler systems and, most recently, the foliage at the Main Gate globe area. He also beautified trust medians and flower bed areas. He and his staff have been very responsive over the years to the needs of the various boards of directors when choosing landscaping options and responding to issues that arise in the field.

John Anguiano’s company has been beautifying Leisure World for more than 40 years. His company currently services Mutual 6.

Now the youngest brother will take over. Jose Anguiano was able to retain two of the existing golf maintenance crew and pledges to work hard to keep Leisure World beautiful. He wrote the following letter to introduce himself to LW residents. Dear Leisure World Residents, First, we as a company wanted to say thank you for choosing us as your landscaping company to take care of your golf course and community facilities from now on.

We look forward to providing the best service possible. Our customer service is a top priority. We are always one phone call away to fix any situation.

Many Mutual presidents will tell you that we try to be the most responsive company out there.

We currently work in seven Mutuals and take pride in doing our utmost to improve the community. Leisure World residents will not have to worry about our work ethic declining.

On the contrary, we will do whatever we can to improve together as a team. We have been in charge of the community facilities and golf course for only three weeks, and a lot of work has been done already.

We currently have three workers maintaining the golf course and three working in the community at large.

These are extra workers that we hired before the new year started so we wouldn’t be short on staff. We have a total of 25 employees working in designated locations, and the more we grow, the more employees we will hire.

Since taking over the contract, we have already checked the whole irrigation system at the golf course and are currently working on fixing faulty sprinklers and pipes. We have also lowered, aerated and fertilized the whole golf course.

As for community facilities, in two weeks, we have cleaned up the entire street side along Seal Beach Boulevard and Westminster Boulevard. The LW globe area has been cleaned as well as the planters along St. Andrews Drive.

My crew worked hard on a Saturday to lower all the grass areas at the clubhouses so we can fertilize them and have them looking nice and green again at no cost.

At Clubhouse 2, we weeded the lawn, which has also been fertilized. All the roses have been pruned at the clubhouses, and the Administration area near the LW Pharmacy has been cleaned.

We have been doing a lot of labor out of our own pocket because we want the same as many of you, the best for this community!

So look for many changes and more improvements as we work to provide one of the nicest golf courses around. Our goal is to have the people who drive by the community say, “WOW!”

As residents, you deserve the best, and we will do our best to deliver.

Sincerely, Jose Anguiano owner of J& J Landscaping Inc. Jose Anguiano Jr. co-owner of J& J Landscaping Inc.

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