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Letters to the Editor


The Cool Cardboard Contest was a success, and the GRF is to be credited for the great idea and promotion during the sheltering-inplace COVID-19 crisis.

I was reluctant to enter the contest, but the Holy Spirit instructed me to create my entry, using my talents, skills and abilities in making Snoopy, the Flying Ace; Woodstock, the yellow canary; and myself on a biplane flying around a large rainbow over Leisure World, delivering COVID-19 vaccine, for God’s glory.

When I was 10 years old, I read my favorite magazine Model Airplane News at the Van Nuys Library. I made several model airplanes that I had tethered with a string on the wing tips to fly around in wide circles over my driveway.

It has been nearly 70 years since I have created a model airplane, but I had 29 years as an aerospace engineer as well as 14 years as a certified occupational therapist. In creating my entry this month, I was inspired by the work of Charles Shultz, a Christian cartoonist and evangelist on the streets of his hometown, Minneapolis, Minnesota, to re-create Peanuts’ characters for my cardboard creation.

On Jan. 15, I went to Veterans Plaza to see the 31 entries. I was disappointed that some entries were very amateur. In future contests, there should be categories from expert to beginning, for people with no model-making experience.

I also suggest that the contest judges should closely examine each entry to ensure as fair a competition as possible.

Jim M. Yoshioka Mutual 7 Editor:

I am a true testament to the efficiency of LW Live. I followed the phone instructions of GRF vaccine appointments, with 40 calls on Saturday and 20 early Sunday morning.

I went to church on Facebook before I received a LW Live email that all appointments were filled. Then I received a LW Live email at 12:03 p.m., reporting that extra doses were available.

The email provided a time for a shot on Jan. 19. Immediately I filled out the simple form, and within 10 minutes, I got an emailed confirmation. LW Live is a tremendous asset for shareholders. It keeps me up-to-date within my wonderful retirement community. My advice to all neighbors is sign up for LW Live ( see page 2 for information on how to sign up). Joanna Matos Mutual 2 Editor: Leisure World, Seal Beach, is the luckiest place in the world, and I love it! I was treated to a gracious and easy vaccine experience at Leisure World on Jan. 18. After watching the news with hundreds of cars lined up and hearing about appointments at 3 a.m., I was afraid that my vaccine experience would be a long and uncomfortable one. Instead, I was treated to a warm, friendly, organized, efficient, professional, caring experience, and I felt safe.

Thank you GRF Recreation Department, GRF Security Department, OptumCare medical staff, CERT and Care Ambulance Service, GRF staff, all medical volunteers, and all volunteers and employees of Leisure World who make life so good!

Teri Subia Mutual 17 Editor:

On Saturday, I got the forms to sign up for the COVID-19 vaccine. I called and finally got the message that all appointment slots were full and to check with our LW Weekly.

It’s wonderful that LW is providing this, as so many don’t drive. (I still do, thankfully!) And it’s a bonus that you (LW Weekly) are providing a contact for information. I would think that it will be awhile before more openings are available with 9,000 residents here, but any information will be promising.

Gail Morrison Mutual 2

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