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Golden Age Foundation delivers 10,000 masks throughout Leisure World

Golden Age Foundation delivers 10,000 masks throughout Leisure World Golden Age Foundation delivers 10,000 masks throughout Leisure World


By Anna Derby

GAF President

The Golden Age Foundation received a generous donation of 10,000 disposable face masks. The group worked alongside the Golden Rain Foundation as well as the City of Seal Beach to distribute the face masks to the community, including some of essential workers around Leisure World.

Some of the recipients include:

• Individuals who distribute/ deliver the LW Weekly.

• Shareholders who participate with Meals On Wheels of Long Beach and/or Meals On Wheels of Orange County.

• Y’s Service Club volunteers who perform small tasks in LW homes for people who are not able to do it themselves.

• Leisure World bus drivers and mechanics, building inspectors, security and maintenance staff The GAF extends its deep gratitude to Frank Teng, representative of AOK Tooling LTD and Mandarin Baptist Church of Los Angeles, who generously donated the masks.

GAF President Anna Derby delivered masks to Security Services Director Victor Rocha to help protect his department.

Service Maintenance Facilities Manager Ruben Gonzalez also received masks from the GAF.

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