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Answers to your COVID-19 vaccine questions

Answers to your COVID-19 vaccine questions Answers to your COVID-19 vaccine questions

By CJ Blomquist


Vaccines for COVID-19 are finally available, which is exciting news. But you may be wondering if it’s right for you. As with anything else about your health, you should check with your primary care providers first, as they are your partners in helping to make the best decisions for your needs.

Here are answers to some of the more common questions.

Are the vaccines safe? Yes! There are two vaccines approved by the FDA: one from Pfizer and one from Moderna. Both are recommended by the Centers for Disease Prevention and Control (CDC).

Can I get one today? Vaccines are finally becoming more readily available. Check with your primary care doctor to see when you can receive it, or visit Orange County’s public health site at https://occovid19. more information.

Will the vaccine give me COVID? No. The vaccines aren’t made using the live virus.

I already had COVID. Should I get vaccinated? It’s possible you could get COVID again, even if you have already had it. Here are some things to keep in mind:

• If you’ve been treated for COVID, the CDC recommends waiting at least 90 days before getting the vaccine. This is for both monoclonal antibody treatment and convalescent serum.

• If you’re still recovering from COVID, you should talk to your doctor about the vaccine.

I can’t get a vaccine right now. What should I do? Continue to follow all safety guidelines: Keep washing your hands, wearing your mask over your nose and mouth, and practicing social distance guidelines. It isn’t time to let your guard down.

I saw something about the vaccines being dangerous. Is this true? Some people have reported minor reactions, such as arm pain, some redness, body aches and lowgrade fevers. These are common reactions to vaccines and usually go away in a few days.

There have been more serious reactions, but these are very rare. In December, there were nearly 2 million doses provided—and only 175 people reported a severe reaction, according to the CDC. Such reactions have been reported in people who have allergies to bee stings, shellfish and other foods.

I’ve been vaccinated. Do I need to still wear a face mask? Yes! It takes time for vaccines to be fully effective; for most people, that’s 21-28 days after the second dose. This means you could still get COVID for a few weeks after your vaccine.

Even after you are fully vaccinated, you can catch and carry the virus—and spread it to people who haven’t been vaccinated yet. This is why it’s important to continue follow all safety guidelines. The more we do our part, the sooner we will get through this pandemic.

ochealthinfo. com/ covid-19-vaccination-distribution


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