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New classes start this week


Starting Jan. 19, these new classes will be offered via Zoom through Long Beach City College’s Lifetime Learning Center:

• “Amazing Americans,” presented by Dr. Ginny Baxter, explores the way America is great because of her people, not necessarily her leaders. Learn about individuals who have made an impact on the success of the United States.

• “A Journey Through Jazz.” Dr. Robyn Frey-Monell leads you through the discovery of the roots of ragtime, Dixieland, big band, blues, be-bop, swing and jazz-rock fusion.

• “State of the Union,” presented by Craig Hendricks, looks at 30 days into the new administration.

Also offered are “Tai Chi for Better Balance” with David Hennage and “Strength Training” with Jessi McMaster.

Classes are available to all ages and range from $20-$60. Register online at lifetime-learning-center. For more information, contact Theresa Brunella at (562) 930-3047.

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