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Mini Farm Forum Scheduled

Mini Farm Forum Scheduled Mini Farm Forum Scheduled

Effective Jan. 1, the Golden Rain Foundation assumed management of the Mini Farm at 1.8 acres. Prior to this time, operations were overseen by the Mini Farmers Club, which still exists for those choosing to join, although it is no longer a requirement to be assigned a garden plot.

With so many changes, some confusion and many questions have arisen, so the GRF Recreation Committee has scheduled an informational forum at 1 p.m. on Thursday, Jan. 21. Shareholder/ members may participate via Zoom if they want to speak, or they may choose to watch the meeting online, which will be livestreamed at

The Recreation Department is requesting questions be submitted via email no later than Jan. 20 to Those who want to participate via Zoom should send their requests to the same email address by the same date, as space will be limited.

After the meeting, the recorded version will be uploaded to lwsb. com for interested parties to view at their leisure.

In the interim, many questions can be answered by viewing the Mini Farm website. The new policy, as well as the new lease, can be accessed at

The Recreation Department looks forward to helping mini farmers navigate the new rules and relieving any concerns.

For more information, email —Kathy Thayer, assistant recreation manager

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