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Eat well and save money

Eat well and save money Eat well and save money

By CJ Blomquist


It seems the healthier the food, the higher the cost. But that isn’t the case. There are many ways you can enjoy nutritious meals without breaking the bank.

A savvy shopper can get plenty of affordable foods. One of the main areas to focus is on fruits and vegetables. As you gear up for a new year, consider making some of these healthy and inexpensive options part of your new you.

Avoid pre-prepared foods.

Pre-sliced fruits and vegetables can be far more expensive. For example, a recent trip to the grocery store showed a bag of pre-sliced apples for $4.29, while a bag of uncut apples was just $1.69. That’s almost a third the price!

Look for cheaper alternatives.

Though some farmers markets may not be running now, they often offer lower costs and more seasonal options. If you do visit a farmers market—such as the Seal Beach Farmers Market and the nearby Long Beach Southeast Farmers Market—be sure to wear a face mask, maintain at least 6 feet of distance from your fellow shoppers and bring hand sanitizer.

So why the push on eating well? Your body is what you put into it: If you eat well and get exercise, you’re keeping all your organs as healthy as possible. If you eat a lot of highly processed foods, you are depriving your organs of the nutrients they need. In the long run, that can cause significant health issues.

This is especially true if you have a chronic condition. A balanced diet can help you manage your health. If you have a chronic condition, like diabetes or heart disease, your diet makes a big difference in how well you control them.

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