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COVID-19 Vaccine Distribution

Given the limited initial supply of COVID-19 vaccines, distribution will be limited at first and increase over time, according to the Orange County Health Care Agency. Determinations will be based on reaching critical populations to reduce morbidity and mortality rates due to the transmission of COVID-19.

The tiers start with Phase 1A for critical and healthcare workers. The county is actively vaccinating the following:

•Acute care, psychiatric and correctional facility hospitals

•Skilled nursing facilities, assisted living facilities, and similar settings for older or medically vulnerable individuals and residents in these settings

•Paramedics, Emergency Medical Technicians (EMTs) and others providing emergency medical services

•Dialysis centers

•Intermediate care facilities for persons who need non-continuous nursing supervision and supportive care

•Home health care and in-home supportive services

•Community health workers, including promotoras

•Public health field staff

•Primary Care clinics, including federally qualified health centers, rural health centers, correctional facility clinics and urgent care clinics

•Specialty clinics

•Laboratory workers

•Dental and other oral health clinics

•Pharmacy staff not working in settings at higher tiers Phase 1A Includes:

•People at risk for exposure to SARS-CoV-2 through their work in any role in direct health care or long-term care settings and includes people at direct risk of exposure in their non-clinical roles, such as, but not limited to, environmental services, patient transport or interpretation.

In addition, for Orange County, law enforcement who work in high positive COVID rate areas such as Anaheim and Santa Ana as well as correctional facilities and homeless shelters experiencing outbreaks can get vaccinated at this time.

Where Can I Go to Get my Vaccine?

If you fall into Phase 1A, contact your employer or long-term care facility for vaccination instructions.

•All who seek to be vaccinated must provide documentation indicating they are in the active categories listed above. Those who do not bring adequate documentation will be asked to reschedule at a later date when they can provide the necessary information.

Documentation includes a photo ID and any of the following:

• Professional license

• Employee badge with name

• Signed letter from employer on facility letterhead

• Payment stub with printed name Phase 1-B is the next tier.

That tier includes people 75 and older, food and agriculture workers, education and childcare, and emergency services. OC mass vaccination sites will be available to these individuals. Small Points of Distribution (PODS) and/or mobile vaccination teams will also be deployed to reach individuals in their communities to increase ease of access.

The HCA will work with task force partners who serve older adults to reach out to these individuals. There will also be targeted communications to older adult communities.

The project start date is February.

HCA with its community partners seeks to make vaccine access fair and equitable, especially during the initial months of distribution when the amount of vaccine is very limited.

It is following the CDC and CDPH Playbook for vaccine distribution prioritization.

Both the CDC Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) and CDPH have specified which groups are high priority for vaccination.

For more information on vaccinations, visit https://coronavirus.

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