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and emergency response agencies the ….

and emergency response agencies the necessary resources and modern equipment to do their jobs.

Foley is also committed to protecting the OC coastline from irreparable damage. If elected as a member of the Board of Supervisors, she will do so, while also supporting economic growth through investing more in clean, green and renewable energy, such as wind and solar. •••• Leisure World Democrats are reminded that their next club membership meeting, originally scheduled for Jan. 20, has been rescheduled for Wednesday, Jan. 27, at noon. The meeting will be held via Zoom and will feature a presentation by Foley. For more information about the meeting, email •••• Democrats are also reminded to vote in the California Democratic Party-run election for the state party leadership body known as the California State Central Committee. This election, usually held via Assembly-based caucus meetings, will be exclusively by mail ballot. All Democrats who registered with the party for a mail-in ballot by Jan. 11 are eligible to vote in this election. Potential voters are invited to email for more information about candidates running in this election. •••• If you are a Democrat or a supporter of its principles and want to know more about the club, subscribe to the free electronic newsletter. Email the editor, Mary Larson, at or call (562) 296-8521. Remember to include your full contact information.

The Leisure World Democratic Club welcomes new members and friends. LW voters who are registered as Democrats are eligible for full voting membership. Those registered as No Preferred Party voters may join as “associate” members. All club memberships are now calculated on a calendar basis. Members must join or renew their membership before the end of January if possible. Both new and renewal 2021 membership forms are available by calling (562) 431-7275 or online at membership-2/.

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