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Letters to the Editor


I was disappointed with the results that kept the golf course completely shut down along with Veterans Plaza and the Amphitheater.

I agree with the director at the end who said he was sorry that the golf course was not discussed separately. I was an avid golfer until I gave it up 25 years ago. In my experience, I needed to play at least two or three times per week or I would lose many of my skills. As a senior, I am sure it is much harder to maintain a steady level of play. There are many exercise classes and religious programs on Zoom and the Internet. Not a complete substitute, but these can be obtained in the home. This is not practical for golf where you are hitting the ball out 50-150 yards with no one around you. It seems like there could be some type of task force to determine how these people can play. Maybe only one person at a time or only those in a household. Maintain distance—even 12 feet would be easy to obtain.

I am sure even harsh restrictions would be welcome to serious golfers. I think it is less safe to have all these golfers playing all over Orange County and Los Angeles County, where golf is open, and then bringing anything they may catch back to Leisure World.

Tom Funkhouser Mutual 14 Editor:

Thank you to the Golden Rain Foundation Board of Directors for understanding the need to ratchet down community spread of the COVID-19 virus (in an emergency GRF meeting) on Dec. 30. We are in the “community phase” of the pandemic.

The virus is becoming widespread.

Health experts said the second phase of the virus would be worse than the first one. This has come true.

I don’t like it, but I think experts are correct. Cases are doubling every six weeks. How can this be?

Please isolate now so we can see our families within the next 60-90 days, enjoy our grandchildren attending school again, and help medical, healthcare and all employees have a decent workweek and future.

Essential workers are getting sick and dying while we wait for vaccines to take effect. I have two children categorized as essential workers. Let’s stay cautious to help stop others from dying this winter.

“Outdoor amenities” can resume in 60-90 days after we have more ICU beds available and less workers getting sick.

Thank you for the tough but thoughtful approach to helping LW residents survive until spring.

Camille Thompson Mutual 8 Editor:

Resilience is one of my New Year’s resolutions. It will help tremendously in coping with the coronavirus pandemic.

I will consume more fruits, vegetables, fish, turkey, chicken and legumes, and take it easy on sweets, soduim, red meat and fats.

I will enjoy listening to music and dance to the Celtic Thunder’s joyful music for 30 minutes of exercise, read, continue to work on my project, tend to my plants and enjoy shopping while observing the social distance and virtually socializing with family friends and associates.

My papa always reminded us that prevention is better than a cure, cherished advice that I practice. Papa was a medical tech for the U.S. Army.

Amazingly, words of wisdom from my parents continue to help me get through this pandemic.

Happy, healthy new year to all.

Lisa A.Dickson Mutual 1

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