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Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints

By Jim Greer

LW contributor

In the early days of the Church, publications supported members in their efforts to learn, live, and share the gospel. Church publications, then and now, provide inspiring messages to help members connect with church leaders and with one another.

As a global church, we speak many languages, are united in our efforts to follow the savior, and rejoice in knowing that we are all children of God. And so, to better connect all church members, effectivethis month, the official church’s global periodical will be the Liahona, an official publication for all adult members, printed in their respective languages.

Regardless of the name change, the purpose of the church magazine remains the same: to help God’s children become more converted to their savior, Jesus Christ. If you have not received the January Liahona, visit In the Gospel Study section, you can order single issues or subscribe. Subscriptions range from 1-5 years.

Another exciting change in January will be the “Come Follow Me” personal study curriculum, which for 2021 will be the Doctrine and Covenants. While other scriptures studied in previous years came from ancient records, the Doctrine and Covenants’ teachings are from modern revelations. This study will be an extraordinary opportunity to study scripture revealed in the last 200 years, which was given and recorded initially in English.

When God speaks to his children, it’s called “revelation.” There are different kinds of revelation. Personal revelation is when God speaks to us individually through the Holy Ghost. We receive revelation to guide us in our lives and fulfill our callings, and how to best help those we are called to serve or lead.

Parents receive revelation to lead their families, and bishops receive revelation to guide their ward. But only the prophet can receive revelation for the entire church, and each of us can pray and receive revelation that what our leaders teach is true.

Each of us can speak to our heavenly father at any time through prayer. When we do, we thank him for blessings, talk to him about our lives, and ask for what we need. As we patiently and humbly listen, the answers and inspiration will come as thoughts and feel-ings through the Holy Ghost.

It has been revealed that God speaks to each of us in a way each of us will understand (see Doctrine and Covenants 1:24). Some may experience dreams or visions, but most commonly, God speaks to us in quiet feelings of warmth, peace or joy through the Holy Ghost.

As you study this month’s reading in the Doctrine and Covenants, you will be taught about Oliver Cowdery, who learned that revelation comes to both the mind and heart (see Doctrine and Covenants 8:2). As you search, ponder, and pray regarding your study, the Holy Ghost will testify of the truth of the revelations contained in the Doctrine and Covenants.

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