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Assembly of God

Sheryl Franco


Has someone broken a promise they made to you? Have you ever broken a promise? Even with the best intentions, we have all fallen short at some point and disappointed someone else by not carrying through on a promise we made. Some of those promises were what could be considered small promises, with inconsequential results, like “I’ll take out the trash after this show is over, Mom, I promise.” Some of the promises were big promises, with consequences that had great impact, like “I promise to love and to cherish, for better or worse.” Broken promises disrupt plans, cause financial chaos, start wars, break hearts, dash hopes, ruin dreams. And once someone has broken a promise, it is hard to trust that person again.

The good news is there is a promise-maker whose name is also promise keeper. He is trustworthy. He keeps his promises and is incapable of breaking even one. Hebrews 10:23 says “Let us hold tightly without wavering to the hope we affirm, for God can be trusted to keep his promise.” The hope that verse speaks of is not a mere wish. It is the conviction that God will do what he says he will do. Always. Every time. His promises give hope in the uncertainty of life. They sustain us when circumstances look grim. His promises carry us through every situation we face.

Pastor Chuck Franco will be sharing a series on the promises of God this month through the DVD recorded message. What better way to start the year than to dive into God’s word and discover the promises made to you by the one who can be trusted to always keep his promises? As you take hold of God’s word, apply his promises to your life and walk in obedience to his word, you will gain that unwavering hope spoken of in Hebrews. Make 2021 the year God’s promises come alive to you.

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