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Sewer construction project is heading into the city of Westminster


The Orange County Sanitation District has installed a 2-mile stretch of sewer pipeline in the City of Seal Beach to improve the regional system.

Construction is ongoing on Westminster Boulevard between Seal Beach Boulevard and Bolsa Chica Road.

The project will move into the City of Westminster with preconstruction activities underway.

Upcoming Construction Schedule Between Bolsa Chica and College Street Excavation within the k-railed median area has been underway since Dec. 21. If necessary, median, curbs, landscapes and trees will need to be removed. They will be replaced after sewer work is completed and restoration takes place.

Between Bolsa Chica and Westminster Intersection As of Dec. 21, night work to check for utilities from the Bolsa Chica bridge through the intersection is underway. Daytime work hours are from 7 a.m.-7 p.m., Monday-Friday and nighttime work is from 9 p.m.-6 a.m., Monday-Friday.

Dates and times are subject to change due to operational factors or inclement weather.

What to Expect

• During non-construction work hours, two lanes of travel in each direction will be open.

• Expect periodic traffic delays and reduced travel lanes during non-peak traffic hours

• Some jobs will require night and/or weekend work, and additional notice will be provided

• No parking will be allowed on Westminster Boulevard for the duration of the construction project

• Construction work through intersections may require temporary detours.

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The construction hotline is available at (714) 378-2965.

For project details, visit www.

This project will replace and reconstruct nearly 3 miles of the existing sewer force main system consisting of two parallel 36-inch diameter sewer pipelines on Westminster Boulevard between Seal Beach Boulevard and Hammon Place/Rancho Road in the cities of Seal Beach and Westminster.

A force main system are pipes used to move wastewater under pressure by use of a pump station. Force mains are necessary when gravity flow is not sufficient to move wastewater.

Why is the project needed?

The aging infrastructure is over 40 years old, with only one of the two pipelines in service.

This project is required to maintain a reliable and effective wastewater collection system expected to last 40-50 years. Construction is expected to last until late 2022.

What impacts can be expected?

OCSD is working diligently on this project to ensure every possible measure is taken to minimize public impacts.

There may be traffic restrictions reducing the number of travel lanes.

There may be elevated noise levels, vibration and other related impacts.

Mitigation measures will be put in place to ensure compliance with city ordinances as well as minimize the impacts to our neighbors.

The Orange County Sanitation District (OCSD) is a public agency that provides wastewater collection, treatment and recycling services for approximately 2.6 million people in central and northwest Orange County.

OCSD operates two facilities— Reclamation Plant No. 1 in Fountain Valley and Treatment Plant No. 2 in Huntington Beach—and treats an average of 185 million gallons of wastewater each day from commercial, residential and industrial sources. It oversees 388 miles of sewers.

For more general information, visit

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