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Recap of GRF Board Activity—Dec. 23

Approved Consent Agenda:

MOVED and duly approved the Committee/Board meeting minutes for the month of November 2020; the minutes of the Nov. 13 Executive Committee Board meeting; the minutes of the GRF Board of Directors meeting, dated Nov. 24; the minutes of the Dec. 15 GRF Special Board meeting; the GRF Board Report, dated Dec. 23; acceptance of the Financial Statements, November 2020, for Audit; the Reserve Funds Investment Purchase; and the Capital Funds Investment Purchase.

General AcceptDonation,GoldenAge Foundation: MOVED and duly approved to accept the Golden Age Foundation donation of $75,000, to be used for the purchase of six Precor Treadmills and the Life Fitness equipment comprising the new training circuit.

AB 3182 Ad hoc Committee FINALVOTE:Adopt40-3182-2, Member/Owner (M/O) and Renter/Lessee (R/L) Fines, Fees and Deposits: MOVED and duly approved to adopt 40-3182-2, Member/Owner (MO) and Renter/Lessee (R/L) Fines, Fees and Deposits, as presented.

FINALVOTE:Adopt40-3182-1, Member/Owner (M/O) and Renter/Lessee (R/L)—Rules: MOVED and duly approved to adopt 40-3182-1, Member/Owner (MO) and Renter/Lessee (R/L) Rules, as presented.

Amend 30-1001-5, Glossary of Terms: MOVED and duly approved to amend 30-1001-5, Glossary of Terms, adding Member/ Owner, Renter/Lessee, and Trust Property Use Fee (TPUF), as presented.

Amend 30-5093-1, Member Rules of Conduct: MOVED and dulyapprovedtoamend30-5093-1, Member Rules of Conduct, adding Qualified Permanent Residents, Co-occupants, Renters/Lessees and Caregivers to those to whom the rules of conduct apply and adding to applicable Trust Property the RV Lot and the Mini farms.

Amend 50-1201-1, GRF Identification Cards: MOVED and duly approved to amend 50-1201-1, GRF Identification Cards, establishing that Renters/Lessees will receive a one-year ID card for which a deposit will be incurred, as presented.

Amend 40-1201-2, GRF Identification Cards—Fees: MOVED and duly approved to amend 40-1201-2, GRF Identification Cards—Fees, by establishing that Renters/Lessees will be subject to the $500 ID card fee if not surrendered upon the sale of the unit or death, by including Qualified Permanent Residents in the instructions for obtaining a replacement card, by establishing an additional Renter/Lessee deposit for lost ID cards, and by establishing that stolen ID cards must be verified by a police report in order to waive an additional deposit, as presented.

Amend 50-1641-4A, Seal Beach Mutual Lease Agreement: The motion failed to carry and was referred to the AB 3182 Ad Hoc Committee for review.

Amend 50-1641-4, Seal Beach Mutual Lease Agreement: The motion failed to carry and was referred to the AB 3182 Ad /hoc Committee for review.

Adopt 50-1630-4, Notice of Disclosures, in membership transfers: MOVED and duly approved to adopt 50-1630-4, Notice of Disclosures, in membership transfers, as presented.

Consent Agenda: MOVED and duly approved to adopt 50-3182-4, Decal and ID Card for Member/Owner (M/O)—Mutuals 2-11 and 14-17, Form and to adopt 50-3182-4A, Decal and ID Card for Renter/Lessee (R/L)— Mutuals 2-11 and 14-17, Form, as presented.

COVID-19 Ad hoc Committee TENTATIVE VOTE: Adopt and Implement 70-1448-3R, Emergency Operational Rule— MissionPark,PhaseOne: MOVED anddulyapprovedtoadopt70-1448-3R for Trust property identified as the Mission Park, pending a 28-day notificationtothemembership,and a final decision by the GRF Board of Directors on Jan. 29.

Executive Committee Approve Workers’ Compensation Policy Renewal: MOVED and duly approved renewal of the contract for Workers’ Compensation Coverage with Cypress Insurance Company, Berkshire Hathaway Homestate Companies, for the 2021 policy year, in the amount of $210,907, and authorize the GRF President to sign the required documents.

Finance Committee Capital Funding Request— Replace Copy and Supply Center Shredder: This item was removed from the agenda.

Non-budgeted Funding Request—Prepaid Microsoft Support: MOVED and duly approved the purchase of a prepaid block of 50 support hours from Boyer & Associates, in the amount of $9,750, Operating funds.

Recreation Committee Amend 70-1447-1, Use of Community Facilities—Mini Farm Rules: MOVED and duly approved to amend 70-1447-1, Use of Community Facilities—Mini Farm Rules, adding information pertaining to Renters/Lessees and prohibiting water run-off on walkways, sidewalks or adjacent plots, as presented.

Amend 70-1487-1, Recreational Vehicle Lot (RVL), Rules and Regulations: MOVED and duly approved to amend 70-1487-1 Recreational Vehicle Lot (RVL)— Rules and Regulations, establishing that Renter/Lessees must follow all rules and are subject to any consequences for failure to do so and that Member/Owners are responsible for their Renter/ Lessees, including any fees, fines or disciplinary consequences.

Amend 40-1488-6, Mini Farm, 1.8 Acres, Lease Agreement: MOVED and duly approved to amend 40-1488-6, Mini Farm 1.8 Acre—Lease Agreement, adding Mutual Renter/Lessee to the definition of Lessee, establishing that if a Member/Owner rents their unit, their right to lease a plot is forfeited and establishing that the Lessee will be liable for damage to neighboring plots resulting from acts of omission, as presented.

Amend40-1489-6,LWTrailer Club Lease Agreement: MOVED and duly approved to amend 40-1489-6, LW Trailer Club— Lease Agreement, adding Trust Property Use Fee payers as eligible to be LW Trailer Club members, as presented. Emergency Addition to the Agenda: MOVED and duly approved the addition of 40-1487-6, RV Lot Lease agreement to the Dec. 23 agenda 4930 (e).

Amend 40-1487-6, RV Lot Lease Agreement: MOVED and duly approved to amend 40-1487-6, RV Lot Lease Agreement, updating the document language and adding clauses that apply to Member/Owners and Renter/ Lessees, as presented.

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