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Community Church

By Johan Dodge


This season of Advent has been focused on hope and how it isn’t just a sentiment that we have, but how we go about the work of everyday life. Community Church had the the intent to hold an outdoor, masked and socially distanced Christmas Eve service. However, the numbers in Orange County are not going in the right direction. As of this writing, the ICU beds are at capacity—mostly with people from other counties whose hospitals were already overrun. Prudence dictates that, while we would love to gather for in-person worship, online worship is a much safer alternative. Join Community Church this afternoon at 2 as it welcomes the birth of the baby Jesus with live virtual worship.

To join the live Christmas Eve service on Facebook, go to @communitychurchleisureworld.

Those who want to join the virtual fellowship will need to call the church office or email leisurewccsue@ yahoo. com. If you don’t have a computer or Facebook, call the phone system at (562) 431-2503 and listen to the weekly message beginning Sunday evening.

Tune in to the Christmas Caroling Challenge on the CW (broadcast channel 5) and look for the “Accidentals” as they compete for best Christmas Caroling group.

If you are in need without another way to address it, call the church office and leave a message at (562) 431-2503

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