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Assembly of God

By Norma Ballinger

LW contributor

The year 2020 is quickly coming to a close and most people will say, ‘Good riddance.’ However, we can move on from this year and start to look forward to the upcoming year.

Pastor Chuck Franco will bring the first of a two-part message this Sunday called “How to Handle 2020,” taken from Hebrews 13:5-6. The message will be recorded on DVDs, and members will receive a copy on Monday.

Author C.S. Lewis once said, “No one can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today to make a new ending.” We don’t start over, but we begin right where we are, making things better for our lives. Here are some suggestions to get you started:

• Finishthethingsyou’vestarted, contact people you have neglected, and do all you can to start with a clean slate.

• PrioritizeGodduringtheholidays. Gather with a community of faith; make a personal commitment to God and to reading his word. Choose to place Jesus first.

• Startmakingaplannowtobeginthenewyearwithdefinitefocus. Instead of making off-the-cuff resolutions, plan what your focus will be for the entire year. Know which direction you’re going to head. You don’t have to know all the steps to accomplish this goal; God will take your hand and lead each step.

• TryspendingNewYear’sEveinGod’sword.ReadJeremiah29:12, 31:8, Isaiah 41:10, Psalm 34:17 and Joshua 1:9.

We all can pledge to start making a new ending going into 2021.

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