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human embryo or fetus becomes ….

human embryo or fetus becomes human were not discussed. Nor was the constitutionality of Row v. Wade, the Supreme Court decision regarding abortion laws.

Republican debates in 2012 and 2016, as well as the Republican convention show a significant contrast.

Starting with the most recent, this year’s GOP convention focused mostly on law and order, support for the police and military, freeing up the economy so that it can grow at a faster rate, and criticism of rioters and those leaders who fail to stop them.

In previous years, almost all favored stopping illegal immigration to the extent that it is possible; getting tougher on crime; lowering taxes; reducing government regulation of business; a color-blind racial policy; and getting tougher on China Iran and other nations. With one exception, all candidates expressed concern about the negative effect of rising deficits on future generations.

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