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Regional stay-at-home order is now in effect

Regional stay-at-home order is now in effect Regional stay-at-home order is now in effect


A strict shutdown similar to the coronavirus pandemic’s early days is now in effect after state officials said Dec. 5 that only 12.5 percent of adult intensive care beds were available in the area. Gov. Gavin Newsom enacted the stay-at-home order regionwide.

The Southern California region now under the state order includes Los Angeles, Orange, Riverside, San Bernardino and San Diego counties, among others.

The shut down bans all gatherings except for protests and religious services, which must be held outdoors, and closed many nonessential businesses, such as bars, breweries, wineries, museums, zoos, aquariums, card rooms, and hair and nail salons. It also shut down playgrounds, overnight campgrounds and in-person dining at restaurants, and capped occupancy in stores at 20 percent. The order will remain in place for at least three weeks.

ICU capacity was the trigger for a new order. Officials are worried that the exponential spread of the virus will deplete hospital capacity, especially ICU beds.

The Golden Rain Foundation has shut down all facilities and is urging residents to stay home, wear masks and stay socially distant.

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