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Letters to the Editor


The Black Friday frenzy at Westminster Mall was terrific. Enthusiastic shoppers wore masks and observed social distancing. The joyful Christmas carols enhanced my spirit while I was purchasing lovely gifts for family and friends at bargain prices. I also bought face masks for presents. The spirit of Christmas is everywhere despite the coronavirus pandemic.

The joy of giving and receiving is deeply rooted in my heart. It’s a great blessing we have Christmas to enjoy.

Lisa A. Dickson, Mutual 1 Editor:

There are currently many LW residents who either have or want electric cars. By 2035, all cars sold in California must be electric, so more and more LW residents will have electric cars in the near future. Right now, there is no way to charge an electric car in LW. Therefore either the carports need to be wired for electric cars or charging stations need to be provided. I think that it is probably too costly to wire carports at this time, but a few car charging stations could be provided.

I think that five or six stations (one at each clubhouse) would be good for now, with more in the future as the need increases.

Bert Steinberg, Mutual 7 Editor:

We have been following COVID-19 reports very carefully, and we believe that some LW facilities could be reopened with very controlled access to maintain safety. In particular, the LW Library and Friends Bookstore could reasonably be reopened with safety measures in place to protect residents. The Friends of the Library could open its bookstore, which would be great for Christmas. Small gifts and cards are available to buy, so LWers could avoid going to outside stores for Christmas giving.

Cindy Gannon and Keith Kelsay, Mutual 8

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