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LW Library Curbside Pick Up

Despitethelimitationsimposed bythefightagainstCOVID-19,LW Library staff continues its innovative curbside pick-up program. To schedule your pick-up, call the library at (562) 598-2431, Tuesday through Friday, 10 a.m.-2 p.m., or email Include your name, library card number, phone number, and what kinds of materials you like to read and/or watch.

Staff members will do their best toaccommodatespecificrequests.If the requested material is not available, they will use their expertise to find similar items. Due to limited staffing, it could take up to 48 hours, excluding weekends, to fill requests.Youwillreceiveacallwhen your material is ready for curbside pick-up. Items may be returned to the outdoor drop boxes at any time.

If you have yet to visit and get your own library card number, call for a temporary one until the library reopens.

Staffisavailabletoanswerquestions via phone or email Tuesday throughFriday,9:30a.m.-3:30p.m.

—Library Operations Supervisor Vanessa Morris

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