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Sharing gratitude around the table

Sharing gratitude around the table Sharing gratitude around the table


by Susan Hopewell

GRF president

Our Thanksgiving season is quite different this year. Yes, we can still have turkey and all the trimmings. And yes, we will still have football, although for some this is the bad news, not the good news. However, our COVID safety bubble may prevent our normal holiday celebration with gatherings of family and friends. Some of us may not feel like celebrating at all. We have sacrificed a lot since March 2020, and it may feel, to some, there is not a lot to be grateful for these days. Gratitude is a choice. Being grateful, even in the most challenging times, improves our health and lifts our spirits. Being grateful makes my heart smile.

In my family, before we start Thanksgiving dinner, we go around the table and share why we are grateful. Here are just a few of the reasons I will share with my family via our Zoom family gathering:

• Free musical concerts, educational classes and Broadway plays on Zoom and YouTube.

• Being able to help my neighbor by doing her grocery shopping.

• The creative ways we keep connected with socially distanced greenbelt social hours and birthday celebrations.

• The Dodgers winning the World Series.

• My great-niece who works fulltime, has a one-year old baby boy, and still finds time to keep in touch via text and sends me pictures of our newest family member.

I wish everyone a happy, healthy and safe Thanksgiving. I hope you choose to be grateful. And I hope it makes your heart smile.

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