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Recap of GRF Board Activity, Nov. 24

Approved Consent Agenda:

MOVED and duly approved the Committee/Board meeting minutes for the month of October 2020; the minutes of the Oct. 5 Recreation Committee Board meeting; the minutes of the Oct. 19 Finance Committee Board meeting; the minutes of the GRF Board of Directors Minutes, dated Oct. 27; the October GRF Board Report, dated Nov. 24; acceptance of the Financial Statements, October 2020, for Audit; and the Reserve Funds Investment Purchase.

General—Emergency Action—Public Safety/Purple Tier: MOVED and duly approved to close all outdoor activities due to public health and safety concerns, effective Nov. 25, including Veterans Plaza, the Golf Course, Mission Park and the Amphitheater, for a period of three weeks.

28-Day Notifications to the Membership—FINAL VOTE: Amend 70-1412.2-1, Smoking Prohibition: MOVED and duly approved to amend 70-1412.02-1, Smoking Prohibition, expanding the smoking prohibition to all GRF amenities and including “vaping” to products prohibited at all GRF amenities, as presented.

28-Day Notifications to the Membership—FINAL VOTE: Amend 70-1447-1, Use of Community Facilities, Mini Farm—Rules: MOVED and duly approved to amend 70-1447-1, Use of Community Facilities, Mini Farm—Rules, establishing that Mini Farm plot holders must be GRF Members in good standing; adding a prohibition against alcoholic beverages, animals (excepting Qualified Service Animals), firearms and radios; and establishing rules for the length of leases and plot abandonment. Further, amended are lessee responsibilities of the plots, lessee guests, establishing plot maintenance expectations, and establishing conditions for vacating a plot. Additionally, establishing lease non-compliance actions and informing plot holders that the Recreation Department has the right to review and adjust operating rules and to enter any plot at any time is included, as presented.

AB 3182 Ad Hoc Committee— Adopt 40-3182-2, Member/ Owner (M/O) and Renter/ Lessee (R/L) Fines, Fees and Deposits: MOVED and duly approved to adopt 40-3182-2, Member/Owner (MO) and Renter/Lessee (R/L) Fines Fees and Deposits, pending a 28-day notification to the members (see page 6) and a final decision by the GRF Board of Directors on Dec. 23.

AB 3182 Ad Hoc Committee— Adopt 50-3182-1, Member/ Owner (M/O) and Renter/ Lessee (R/L)—Rules: MOVED and duly approved to adopt 50-3182-1, Member/Owner (MO) and Renter/Lessee (R/L) Rules, pending a 28-day notification to the members (see page 6) and a final decision by the GRF Board of Directors on Dec. 23.

Architectural Design & Review Committee—Approve Community Landscaping Contract: MOVED and duly approved to award a contract to J& J Landscaping for the Community Facilities Landscape Maintenance, at a cost of $370,800 for a three-year term, Operations funding and authorize the President to sign the contract.

Architectural Design & Review Committee—Approve Golf Course Contract: MOVED and duly approved to award a contract to J& J Landscaping for the Golf Course Landscape Maintenance at a total cost of $502,200 for a three-year term, Operations funding and authorize the President to sign the contract.

Consent Agenda—Update GRF Committee Charters: MOVED and duly amended the Communications/IT Committee Charter, the Mutual Administration Committee Charter, the Physical Property Committee Charter and the Recreation Committee Charter.

Consent Agenda—COVID19 Ad Hoc Committee: MOVED and duly approved to remove emergency action policy 70-1448-3R for Trust property identified as the Mission Park, Phase One, and emergency action policy 70-1448-3S, Phase Two, for Trust property identified as the Golf Course from the agenda, to be included on the December GRF Board of Directors agenda.

Finance Committee—Consent Agenda Leases: MOVED and duly approved the following leases: Friends of the Library Club, the Genealogy Club, the Golden Age Foundation, the Historical Society Club, the Radio Club, the Thunder Club, the Theater Club, the Video Producers Club, Mutual Eight and the LW Trailer Club.

Finance Committee—Conceptual Approval—Exclusive Use of Trust Property, Building 5: MOVED and duly approved to conceptually approve the modification of 248 square feet within the first floor of Building 5 for leasing to generate revenue to offset expenses. Such conceptual approval is solely given in order to allocate committee and staff resources to fully develop all costs, income projections and policies that will require amendment to allow to lease this limited portion of Trust property for commercial use. The Finance Committee shall, at completion of the review, provide a detailed report to the Board for review and consideration.

Finance Committee— Approve Master Insurance Policy: MOVED and duly approved the master insurance policy proposal dated Nov. 1, as submitted, in the amount of $2,516,806 for the policy period of Dec. 1-Nov. 30, 202,1 and authorize the President to sign the required renewal documents pursuant to the related proposal as prepared and submitted by DLD Insurance Brokers Inc.

Physical Property Committee— Reserve Funding Request—RV Lot Entrance, Replacement of Pavement and Concrete: MOVED and duly failed to approve to award a contract to MJ Jurado to replace the entry drive to the RV Lot with concrete, adding $2,000 contingency, for a total cost not to exceed $23,600, Reserve funding, and moved to refer to the Physical Property Committee for review.

Security, Bus & Traffic Committee—Capital Funding Request—Purchase of Stalker Message Board and Trailer: MOVED and duly failed to approve the purchase of a Stalker MC360, in the amount of $21,945.04, Capital Funding and failed to approve the donation of the Stalker MC360 to the City of Seal Beach Police Department.

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