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Make each day count with a routine

Make each day count with a routine Make each day count with a routine

By CJ Blomquist


When days run into each other and time feels like one long stretch, it may be time to come up with a healthy routine. This is particularly true as we enter the holiday season during a strange and lonely year.

What goes into a routine?

Routines are all about structure and accomplishment. It’s not just getting up or going to bed at the same time every day— although those are important. Routines help you check off mental boxes of the things you should do. It may not seem exciting to do your laundry every Wednesday, for example, but getting it done can help you feel as if you’ve achieved something.

Make time for health. This doesn’t mean physical health, though that’s an important part, too. Set some time each day to focus on your mental health. Meditate for 30 minutes after lunch. Go for a walk every morning. Practice simple stretches or yoga before going to bed. These exercises not only help your physical health, but they also help your mind rest.

Why develop a routine now? Many of us won’t be seeing family or friends over the holidays. Whether that’s the norm for you or entirely new, it means the next month or so is going to be a bit less cheerful. A routine may not make up for lost time with family, but it can give you a sense of purpose each day.

Your routine doesn’t have to be solo. Bring others into your routine—safely! Make a point to call a neighbor each day, just to check in. And for you introverts out there (like this writer), a daily call doesn’t need to be long. A few minutes can make a big difference in your neighbor’s day—and yours, too! If daily is too much, set up a virtual coffee date with your neighbors once a week to catch up.

Is this going to take long?

Yes. Routines can be tricky to establish. It is pretty common to mess up. That’s just part of the process. Rather than feeling defeated because you didn’t get your morning walk in, make a point of going tomorrow. Routines can take weeks to become habit, so be diligent in keeping at them. But remember to be kind to yourself if you mess up here and there.

Let’s be honest: It hasn’t been an easy year. And the upcoming year is probably going to be just as challenging. This is why coming up with simple routines can make a difference; rather than letting the day control you, you are controlling the day.

Take time for yourself with a daily walk. Your mind and body will benefit from it.

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