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Find out how to give where you live


By Anna Derby

LW contributor

Many nonprofit organizations have been shaken to their core by the effects of COVID-19. The need for services from nonprofits this year has not diminished, but increased.

Since this pandemic, Golden Age Foundation sponsored Meals On Wheels, Orange County and Meals On Wheels, Long Beach over eight months of period, to make sure those who need food delivered to their homes.

Hundreds of shareholders over the years have received benefits from GAF sponsorship. Now, shareholders and their families can help GAF by signing up on to donate their rewards to the Golden Age Foundation.

A small percentage of every purchase shareholders make through Amazon is rebated to the Golden Age Foundation at no additional cost.

Follow these few easy steps:

• Sign in with your existing Amazon account information. If you don’t have an Amazon account, you can create one for free.

• Type in Golden Age Foundation, Inc. as the charity you’d like to support. Make sure the location is Seal Beach, CA

• Don’t to forget to start at when you shop.

Encourage your family, friends and neighbors to support the work the GAF does in Leisure World by using Amazon Smile.

For information on the foundation’s services to the Leisure World community, visit the website at or by calling (562) 431-9589.

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