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Develop a grateful mindset

Develop a grateful mindset Develop a grateful mindset

No matter how different this Thanksgiving is, mental health experts say maintaining a positive attitude improves not only mood, but also a person’s overall health. A 2016 study from the Harvard School of Public Health assessed more than 70,000 women at an average age of about 70 and found that those who were more optimistic had a lower risk of death.

One way to increase overall positivity is to develop an attitude of gratitude. And what better time to start cultivating such a mindset than Thanksgiving!

Here are some ways to count your blessings: Start a gratitude journal:

Turn a small notebook into a convenient way to remind yourself of all the good things in life. Each day, write down one thing that you’re grateful for. It could be as big as having a home or as small as a wave from a passing neighbor. On a day that you might be struggling, pull out the journal and read previous entries.

Send notes of appreciation:

Write thank-you notes to friends, family, neighbors, etc. Maybe your neighbor helped you move a heavy bag, or maybe there’s a LW member who assisted you with a smile. The recipient may never realize those small gestures are worthy of praise. And reminding yourself of that moment is sure to lead to a smile.

Say “thank you” for ordinary tasks: It could be to the neighbor who helped you move a heavy bag, or maybe the receptionist at your dentist’s office or the cashier at the grocery store. You’re recognizing that someone simply doing their job makes your life better.

Create a collage: Put together photos of people you appreciate. If you don’t have photos, maybe use items that make you think of them. Whenever you encounter the collage or grouping, you’ll be reminded of all the wonderful people in your life and why you are thankful for them.

Give compliments: Find something nice to say to everyone you encounter, whether over the phone or in person. Once you start, it will become a habit, and soon, you’ll notice your spirit lifts when you lift up others.

Pray or send positive vibes:

If you are religious, pray for your friends and loved ones. If you aren’t, meditate on those close to you. Whichever way you choose to focus on the people for whom you are grateful, that positive energy is sure to give you a boost, too.

Don’t forget to grant yourself grace and gratitude. At the end of the day, think about three things you did well. Whether you helped someone else or completed a household talk, be grateful for all the good you can do.

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