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Assembly of God

Assembly of God Assembly of God

By Norma Ballinger

LW contibutor

Pastors Chuck and Sheryl Franco will speak this Sunday and share their lives in the Amphitheater at 11 a.m. They are possible candidates for the pastorate here in Leisure World.

The Francos are both ordained Assembly of God ministers, having served in churches in Southern California for the past 39 years. After serving as youth pastors and associate pastors, most recently the last 28 years has been as lead pastors in two churches in the area.

The Francos love the body of Christ and enjoy sharing the word of God wherever God calls them. They have shared the Gospel in many places throughout the world. They are the proud parents of two adult sons who have given the Francos four grandchildren with one on the way.

What does Thanksgiving do to shape your view of God’s grace? Remember, all you have received is another undeserved gift from the well of God’s mercy (James 1:17).

“What shall I give to the Lord for all his benefits?” Read Psalm 116:12,13. Asking for more benefits gives God great delight. He loves to give good things to his children (Luke 11:13). Let your gratitude to God this Thanksgiving season and beyond be just a window into the storehouse of all he’s offered you through Christ.

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