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GRF Board of Directors Meeting Agenda

Clubhouse 4 Tuesday, Nov. 24, 10 a.m. Via Live Stream To view the live GRF Board meeting:

• Go to

• Click on the Live GRF Board meeting tab.

• The live streaming uses YouTube live and terminates at the close of the meeting 1) Call to Order/Pledge of Allegiance 2) Roll Call 3) President’s Comments a) Announcements 4) Seal Beach City Council Member’s Update 5) Health Care Advisory Board Update 6) Shareholder/Member Comments a) Written, submitted prior to meeting b) Verbal, via live streaming Note: Foundation Shareholder/Members are permitted to make comments before the meeting business of the Board begins. The Open Meeting Act allows boards of directors to establish reasonable time limits for the open forum and for speakers to address the board. (Civ. Code §4925(b).) Time limits, per speaker, are limited to:

• 4-minute limit per speaker, when there are no more than 15 speakers

• 3-minute limit per speaker, 16 - 25 speakers

• 2-minute limit per speaker, over 26 speakers 7) ConsentCalendar a) Committee/board meetings for the month of October i) Minutes of the Recreation Committee Board Meeting of Oct. 5 ii) Minutes of the Finance Committee Board Meeting of Oct. 19 b) GRF Board of Directors Minutes, Oct. 27 c) October GRF Board Report, Nov. 24 d) Accept Financial Statements, October 2020, for audit e) Reserve Funds Investment Purchase 8) Reports a) AB 3182 Ad Hoc Committee b) Bulk Cable Services Ad Hoc Committee c) COVID-19 Ad Hoc Committee d) Strategic Planning Ad Hoc Committee e) Website Ad Hoc Committee 9)New Business a) General i) EmergencyAction—PublicSafety/PurpleTier b) 28-Day Notifications to the Membership i) FINAL VOTE: Amend 70-1412.2-1, Smoking Prohibition ii) FINAL VOTE: Amend 70-1447-1, Use of Community Facilities, Mini Farm—Rules c) AB 3182 Ad Hoc Committee i) Adopt 40-3182-2, Member/Owner and Renter/Lessee Fines, Fees and Deposits ii) Adopt 50-3182-1, Member/Owner and Renter/Lessee Fines, Fees and Deposits d) Architectural Design & Review Committee i) Approve Community Landscaping Contract ii) Approve Golf Course Contract e) Consent Calendar: Update GRF Committee Charters i) Communications/IT Committee Charter ii) Mutual Administration Committee Charter iii) Physical Property Committee Charter iv) Recreation Committee Charter f) Consent Calendar: COVID-19 Ad Hoc Committee i) Adopt and Implement 70-1448-3R, Emergency Operational Rule—Mission Park, Phase One ii) Adopt 70-1448-3S, Emergency Operational Rule—Golf Course, Phase Two g) Finance Committee i) Consent Calendar: Leases a. Friends of the Library Club b. Genealogy Club c. Golden Age Foundation d. Historical Society Club e. Radio Club f. Rolling Thunder Club g. Theater Club h. Video Producers Club i. Mutual Eight j. LW Trailer Club ii) Conceptual Approval—Exclusive Use of Trust Property, Building 5 iii) Approve Master Insurance Policy h) Physical Property Committee i) Reserve Funding Request—RV Lot Entrance, Replacement of Pavement and Concrete ii) Conceptual Approval—Exclusive Use of Trust Property i) Security, Bus & Traffic Committee i) Capital Funding Request—Purchase of Stalker Message Board and Trailer 10) Board Member Comments 11) Next Meeting/Adjournment Next regular meeting: Wednesday, Dec. 23, 10 a.m., Clubhouse 4.

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