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What we will still have after Nov. 3

What we will still have after Nov. 3 What we will still have after Nov. 3

By Brian Harmon

LW contributor

As this article is being written, no election results have yet been tallied. All we know for sure is that, whatever the outcome, life will go on.

We will still be living in the greatest country on Earth.

We will still have our homes, our families and our friends.

We will still have the holidays to celebrate.

We will still be able to worship any way we choose, or not to do so if we wish.

We will still be able to say anything we want, as long as we do not slander other people or incite other people to commit crimes.

We will soon have a vaccine available that will protect us from the dreaded COVID-19 virus.

We will soon be able to travel to anywhere in the world, as long as we are physically and financially able.

We will still have three branches of government, just as the founders intended. Even if the House, the Senate and the Presidency are controlled by one party, the Supreme Court will provide a balance, so that one party will not be allowed to do absolutely anything and everything they want.

We will still have the electoral college, so that people in the large states will not be able to take away the rights of people who live in smaller states.

We in California will still have the right to recall any lawmakers or leaders in the executive branch who do not honor their oath of office or if they conduct themselves in a way that displeases a majority of the voters. We will still be able to put initiatives on the ballot to change the law if we choose to.

In two years, we will have another election. If the voters do not like what the party in power is doing, they can get a new House of Representatives and 34 new Senators.

That is what the founders intended, and that is what America is all about.

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