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Letters to the Editor


As of Oct. 21, someone discarded an 8-foot-long carpet near the Mutual 8 trash dumpster beside carport 101. Garbage should not be left around the community trash bins.

It is the individual resident’s responsibility to dispose of garbage appropriately. For example, five months ago, a small TV was left near the same trash bins, and the Mutual 8 president had to use residents’ funds to cover the disposal cost. Then the mutual board posted a reminder notice in the laundry facility stating, “Please don’t leave garbage around the garbage bins. It costs extra to have this thrown away. … Please dispose of all items appropriately.”

All the residents of Mutual 8 were financially impacted when one resident decided not to abide by garbage disposal standards.

I challenge the person who left the carpet near the Mutual 8 community garbage bin to properly dispose of your trash in the dumpsters off Nassau Drive. Do not waste resident funds to get rid of your trash.

Keechul (K.C.) Park, Mutual 8


I deeply appreciate the City of Seal Beach Senior Transportation Program providing California Yellow Cab service in lieu of the previous Dial-a-Ride program. I use the service to grocery shop at Sprouts, Pavilions, Target and Ralph’s.

I call for reservations in advance and am ready with my provided ID, pick-up address and destination.

The taxi driver can locate my unit through his GPS. Drivers spray and clean the seats, and carefully check that riders are wearing masks before boarding. I doff my hat to the City of Seal Beach for providing a good service to senior citizens.

Lisa A. Dickson, Mutual 1


Gov. Newsom has signed into law the phasing out of selling gasoline-powered vehicles.

I would like to place a solar panel on my carport and run a charger line into my car space.

Does anyone have experience on this process or comments for our transition to electric vehicles? Thank you so much.

Craig Shanewise, Mutual 1

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