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Eat safely together


Though many of us yearn to go back to life pre-COVID, it’s important to continue following current safety guidelines.

Consider gathering with family and friends via Zoom, FaceTime, Google Meets, Skype or other social video network. Coordinate a menu or let everyone make only their favorites, then set a time when everyone can sit together virtually. Share what you’re thankful for—like not having to wait as long for someone to pass the turkey!

If you must gather in person, remember to follow the recent, state-issued guidelines. Limit your guests to no more than three households (including the host’s), and make sure everyone sits at a proper distance. If you can, move your feast outside; thankfully, the weather in Southern California often cooperates! If you do stay indoors, be sure to open up windows to allow for ventilation.

When planning for an inperson meal, consider having each household bring their own food. Use disposable plates, cups and utensils. If sharing dishes, do as the state suggests and designate one person to serve everyone while wearing a mask and possibly gloves.

Don’t forget the basics! The CDC continues to recommend wearing masks, maintaining social distance and practicing good handwashing techniques.

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