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Credits& Kudos

Credits & Kudos must include the writer’s name and mutual, and will be edited for brevity. Mention of a business or service is not an endorsement or recommendation by the LW Weekly or Golden Rain Foundation.

Mutual 1 resident Debbi Fudge would like to thank the Leisure World Library staff for supplying information on its portable scanner (manufacturer and model) so she could purchase it and continue her scanning processes at home. The library’s portable scanner is not available during the COVID-19 lockdown. “Our library staff is so marvelous that one member went further in service to residents and researched the manufacturer’s website,” said Debbi. He found that the library’s scanner is obsolete and determined what new model replaced it, and then emailed the up-to-date information to Debbi. With this up-to-date information, she was able to purchase the new model of scanner and is happily scanning and emailing articles from the Leisure World newspaper about what is going on (or not going on) in Leisure World and sending them to her friends and family.

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