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Republican Club

By Brian Harmon

LW contributor

Councilman and former Mayor Thomas Moore spoke at the Republican Club Zoom meeting on Oct. 21. During the meeting, Moore went over his campaign and the policies that he is most focused on such as public safety, underfunded mandates, and financial responsibility, as well as past decisions he made during his time as councilman.

Moore also touched on the police, “Violence cannot be tolerated,” he said, “I stand with the police officers who risk their lives every day to keep us safe.

“When police officers break the law, they should be punished” he said, “but defunding the police is not the answer.” •••• Club President Harlow thanked all volunteers who contributed by setting up and manning the booth for the past four months. They registered over 270 voters, handed out signs and raising over $8,000 by selling political merch as well a donations. The booth will now be open Monday- Friday before the election. •••• For those who have not voted in the General Election yet. The Republican Club endorsements are as follows:

• Donald Trump for President

• Michelle Steel for Congress

• Senator Janet Nguyen for Assembly

• Councilman Thomas Moore for City Council

• YES on Proposition 20 and 22

• NO on all the others

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