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GRF Policy Review

The Golden Rain Foundation Board of Directors has given tentative approval to the following policies, which are reprinted here to provide a 28-day notice prior to final approval at the Nov. 24 GRF Board meeting. Instructions on how to provide feedback follows each policy.

70-1412-1, Smoking Prohibition

Per the action of the GRF Board on October 27, 2020, in accordance with Civil Code §4360, Notice of Approval of Amendment of 70-1412-1, Smoking Prohibition, the Board hereby provides general notice to all Shareholders/Members: All Shareholders wishing to comment on the proposed changes may submit your comments by either: Smoking refers to inhaling, exhaling, burning or carrying of any lighted or heated tobacco/ marijuana product, as well as non-tobacco smoking substances and smoking instruments.

1. Smoking is prohibited in all GRF amenities the Amphitheater area, including the stage, rest rooms and sound booth.

2. Smoking is prohibited in all Trust buildings and within twenty feet of all Trust Buildings.

3. Smoking is prohibited on the golf course, in the interior of the golf starters’ area, and rest rooms.

3. Smoking or other use of tobacco and/or marijuana products (included, but not limited to, cigarettes, e-cigarettes/ vaping, pipes, cigars, hookahs, snuff, all forms of smokeless tobacco or chewing tobacco) is not permitted.

Smoking refers to inhaling, exhaling, burning or carrying of any lighted or heated tobacco/ marijuana product, as well as non-tobacco smoking substances and smoking instruments.

• Emailing comments to the attention of the GRF Board at deannab@ lwsb. com; please include in the subject line “70-1412.2-1, Smoking Prohibition” or

• Mailing comments to: Golden Rain Foundation P. O. Box 2069 Seal Beal, CA 90740 Attn: Proposed Document Revisions Please reference 70-1412-1, Smoking Prohibition on any correspondence you submit. All comments will be copied to the Board for review and consideration. The Board will take final action relative to 70-1412-1, Smoking Prohibition at its Nov. 24, 2020, meeting.

70-1447-1, Use of Community Facilities, Mini Farm - Rules Per the action of the GRF Board on October 27, 2020, in accordance with Civil Code §4360, Notice of Approval of Amendment of 70-1447-1, Use of Community Facilities, Mini Farm - Rules,

the Board hereby provides general notice to all Shareholders/ Members: 1. GENERAL REGULATIONS

The Recreation Department is responsible for the fair and equitable use of the Mini Farm area also known as the 1.8 acres. The Recreation Department will also be responsible to ensure that all of the conditions of these rules are followed.

1.1. The Mini Farm plots are for Golden Rain Foundation (GRF) Members in good standing only. Only one plot shall be assigned per household.

1.2. No vaping or use of any type of tobacco products will be permitted within the Mini Farm areas at any time. The Mini Farms are a non-smoking, tobacco-free, vapor-free, drug-free environment.

1.3. Alcoholic beverages may not be brought into the Mini Farm area.

1.4. No animals allowed in the Mini Farm area: exception Qualified Service Animals will be allowed in the garden if staying with their owner only. 1.5. Lessee may not carry, use, or store firearms or weapons of any kind in the Mini Farm area.

1.6. Radios are not allowed. If you would like to use your music devices, headphones are required.

1.7. Spaces shall be leased on an annual basis or a maximum of six consecutive years for a period of six years. Upon the completion of the sixth a six year lease, Lessee must relinquish their plot. The Lessee can go back on the waiting list. Effective January 1, 2021, all plot holders in excess of six years still have a remaining year must relinquish their plot.

1.8. Plots shall not be abandoned, traded or given up to another GRF Member by the Lessee. If you choose to relinquish your space, you must notify the Recreation Department and your space will be reassigned to the next GRF Member on the waiting list. No refunds shall be issued for any monies paid to GRF.

1.9. Plots must be worked by the GRF Member only. Lessee is responsible for the planning and management of their own plots, including providing seeds, plants, amendments, and any tools. Plots must be worked solely by the Lessee. Exception: In case of an injury or temporary illness, Lessee shall notify the GRF Recreation Department in writing and other arrangements may be made a “garden angel” can be assigned to care for your garden for up to 2 (two) weeks with the approval of the Recreation Department.

1.10. Lessee may bring a guest, including children, into the Mini Farm area, provided that the guest complies with the code of conduct. Children must always be accompanied by an adult.

1.11. GRF Members and their Guest may not enter other plots or harvest fruits or vegetables produce in plots assigned to other GRF members without explicit written permission from that plot’s Lessee.

1.12. Lessee will keep clean and neat any common areas, such as pathways. Lessee will promptly report any concerns about safety of the garden to the GRF Recreation Department. The pathway along the wall bordering Nassau Drive and all walkways must always be kept clear of gardening tools and plant materials from the plots.

1.13. Storage containers made of metal or wood are not permitted; storage container must be the type approved by the Recreation Committee and the storage container and tools must be kept within the boundaries of the designated plot. No metal or wooden storage containers are permitted. 1.14. Neither trellises nor fences may exceed 7 feet in height to avoid shading a neighbor’s plot. Structures or decorations shall not conflict with community standards.

1.15. Structures to encourage vertical growing, including arbors, trellis, tree branch frames, and cages are only allowed during growing season if they are functional, orderly, safe, and do not conflict with community standards.

1.16. GRF does not permit the construction or existence of permanent shelter structures within the individual plots, including personal sheds, storage, or shade units. storage, or shade units.

1.17. One faucet and hose are is set up for up to four plots for watering. The plots that are assigned to that area have exclusive use of the water fixture. when the plot is being worked.

1.18. Automatic sprinklers and soaker hoses are forbidden. GRF Members Mini Farmers must turn off water faucet or valve before leaving the plot. Mini Farmers shall not leave watering unattended at any time.

1.19. Crushed rock or gravel is not permitted inside the plots. Any existing crushed rock or gravel must be removed from the plot upon vacating.

1.20.No wood treated with wood preservative shall be used in any plot.

1.21.No piles of wood, brick, pipes, hoses, or fencing shall be stored in plots.

1.22. The use of ““scrap” materials, such as broken bricks or pavers, scraps of wood, metal, or plastic is not permitted 1.23.Items not authorized must be disabled and removed from the plot by required compliance date.

1.24. All trees, miniature trees, shrubs or bush type fruit trees must be potted with a solid base underneath, and not exceed 7 feet tall. Existing trees or shrubs cannot extend over walkways or exceed 7 feet in height during any month of the year. Any existing tree shall be cut down when a lot is vacated before being assigned to a new GRF Member. No more than 10% of plot may be planted in flowers, the remaining balance shall be used to plant produce.

1.25.The Recreation Department may order the forfeiture of a plot when any Mini Farmer does not maintain His/her plot as described in the rule. Failure to plant at least 75% 60% of a plot for three (3) months of the four seasons, spring, summer, fall and winter, shall be sufficient cause to forfeit the plot.

1.26.If a plot appears untended (overgrown weeds, unharvested), you will be issued a violation notice. If the violation is not remedied by the required compliance date, the GRF Recreation Department may evict Lessee upon three violations.

1.27. GRF Members shall park in designated parking spaces only.

1.28.Dumpsters are available for the disposal of green waste and regular trash. The removal of discarded items from the dumpster will not be permitted at any time.

1.29.Plots must be cleared of all vegetation and weeds before vacating plot. Failure to clean plot for final inspection will result in loss of lease deposit and Mini Farm future privileges.

1.30.If the Mini Farmer fails to comply with any terms of the lease within the allotted compliance time, then garden plot will be immediately forfeited with no refund of fees, nor will they be entitled to any payment or reimbursement from the GRF for any materials planted, growing, or otherwise located within the Community Garden or for any improvements made on the premises. All or any part of such material and improvements shall become the property of the GRF.


7:00 a.m. to dusk seven (7) days a week.


3.1. To prevent the breeding of flies, harboring of rats, or air contamination, all decaying compost or newly delivered fertilizer shall be properly cared for by effectively sealing in plastic bags, or by turning it under in the plot within 48 hours.

3.2. Removeallgardentrash, spent plants, clippings, and leaves from the plot daily in the provided green waste bins. 3.3. Keepallplots,including the area to the center of the adjacent pathways, free from all grass and weeds through the year, whether or not the garden is planted or fallow.

3.4. Use care and caution while watering in order to keep from flooding neighboring plots and pathways.

3.5. Use care when spraying or dusting for bugs, snails, and other garden pests. Members must make every effort to ensure there is no drifting of pesticides to adjoining plots. GRF does not permit the use of Roundup on Trust property. See addendum A for approved pest control.

3.6. Store only the garden material necessary to supporting, staking or containing the plantings, neatly within the perimeter of one’s assigned garden plot. No plants or vines shall be allowed to grow past a fence or property line, over walkways or sidewalks. No exterior fence will be used as a trellis on which to grow plants or vines.

3.7. GRFisnotliableforloss or damage to personal property, vandalism to the garden parcel, and/or destruction of crops due to disease, pests, rodents, gophers, or inclement weather.

3.8. All items stored within the garden plot must be essential to gardening. Pesticides of any kind may not be stored at the Mini Farm. Items such as wooden stakes, tomato cages, etc. must be kept in a neat and orderly manner. Materials may not be stores against either the perimeter fencing of the plot or Mini Farm.

3.9. GRF is responsible for the maintenance and pest control of the common areas. Lessee is responsible for maintenance and pest control within their plot.

3.10.Lessee is responsible for the cost, installation, and maintenance of fencing. Staff must approve any fence or other structure prior to installation and follow GRF guidelines. Staff will provide written approval/permit for installation. This permit must be displayed at the plot for 30 days. See addendum B for approved fencing.


4.1. The Recreation Committee may order the forfeiture of any plot when the GRF Member fails to comply with this set of rules or any action in violation of the established Code of Conduct policy.

4.2. The Recreation Department reserves the right to review and adjust the operating rules to accommodate the needs of the community at any time. The Recreation Department also reserves the right to enter any plot at any time.

All Shareholders wishing to comment on the proposed changes may submit your comments by either:

• Emailing comments to the attention of the GRF Board at deannab@; please include in the subject line “70-1447-1, Use of Community Facilities, Mini Farm-Rules” or

• Mailing comments to: Golden Rain Foundation P. O. Box 2069 Seal Beal, CA 90740 Attn: Proposed Document Revisions Please reference 70-1447-1, Use of Community Facilities, Mini Farm-Rules on any correspondence you submit.

All comments will be copied to the Board for review and consideration. The Board will take final action relative to 70-1447-1, Use of Community Facilities, Mini Farm-Rules at its November 24, 2020 meeting.

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