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GRF Board Recap—Oct. 27 Meeting

Approved Consent Agenda

MOVED and duly approved the Committee/Board meeting minutes for the month of September 2020, the minutes of the September 29, 2020 Board meeting, the minutes of the October 5, 2020 Special Board meeting, the October GRF Board Report, dated October 27, 2020, and acceptance of the Financial Statements, September 2020, for Audit.

General – Approve 70-1448-3D, Emergency Operational Procedures – Amphitheater, Phase One MOVED and duly approved to reconsider approval of 70-1448-3D, Emergency Operational Procedures – Amphitheater, Phase One, based on information provided by the Orange County Health Authority, which will allow the use of the Amphitheater for religious services provided that hand sanitizer is provided or attendees bring their own individual hand sanitizer.

MOVED and duly approved to reopen the Amphitheater for religious services as soon as staff can accommodate the terms of the Emergency Operational Procedure.

General – Establishment of Ad hoc Committees

MOVED and duly approved and thereby established the AB 3182 Ad hoc Committee and granted to the Ad hoc Committee limited authority specifically stated within the GRF governing documents, and policies or other authority as granted by the BOD or as stated within this policy, pursuant to state statute (Corp. Code §7210; Corp. Code §7212(c)) and Article VII of the Bylaws of the Golden Rain Foundation.

MOVED and duly approved the appointment of Carole Damoci, Chair, Marsha Gerber, Kathy Rapp, Paul Pratt, and Paula Snowden to the AB 3182 Ad hoc Committee.

MOVED and duly approved and thereby established the Bulk Cable Ad hoc Committee and granted to the Ad hoc Committee limited authority specifically stated within the GRF governing documents, and policies or other authority as granted by the BOD or as stated within this policy, pursuant to state statute (Corp. Code §7210; Corp. Code §7212(c)) and Article VII of the Bylaws of the Golden Rain Foundation.

MOVED and duly approved the appointment of Nick Massetti, Chair, Lee Melody, Carole Damoci, Paul Pratt, Larry Slutsky, and Paula Snowden to the Bulk Cable Ad hoc Committee. General – Approve 30-5095-4, Fitness Center Release/ Waiver

MOVED and duly approved the newly revised Release of Future Claims/Hazardous Activity document (governing document # 30-5095-4), for the use in the Fitness Center. Architectural Design & Review Committee – Reserve Funding Request – Carwash/Service Maintenance Area, Replace Landscaping MOVED and duly approved the replacement of landscaping at the Carwash and Service Maintenance areas per Exhibit A in the agenda packet, at a cost not to exceed $5,690, Reserve Funding, and authorize the President to sign the contract. Communications/IT Committee – Capital Funding Request – Paramount WorkPlace Solutions MOVED and duly approved the purchase of the Paramount WorkPlace software, in the amount not to exceed $41,220, Capital funds and $3,780, Operating funds and to authorize the President to sign the purchase agreement.

Approved Consent Agenda

MOVED and duly approved to 70-1448-1, Emergency Operational Rule, 70-1448-3E, Emergency Operational Procedures – Pool and Spa, Phase One, 70-1448-3F, Emergency Operational Procedures – Fitness Center, Phase One, 70-1448-3G, Emergency Operational Procedures – Friends of the Library, Phase One, 70-1448-3H, Emergency Operational Procedures – Leisure World Library, Phase One, 70-1448-3J, Emergency Operational Procedures – Clubhouse One and Two, Poolrooms, Phase One, 70-1448-3K,– Clubhouse One and Two, Woodshops, Phase One, 70-1448-3L, Emergency Operational Procedures – Clubhouse Three, Sewing Room, Phase One, 70-1448-3M, Emergency Operational Procedures – Clubhouse Four, Art Studio, Phase One, 70-1448-3N, Emergency Operational Procedures – Clubhouse Four, Ceramics Studio, Phase One, 70-1448-3O, Phase One and 70-1448-3P, Emergency Operational Procedures – Veterans’ Plaza, Phase Two.

MOVED and duly approved to refer 70-1449-1, Emergency Operational Rule – Face Mask to the COVID-19 Ad hoc Committee for review.

MOVED and duly approved to amend 70-1448-3O, Emergency Operational Procedures – Clubhouse Four, Lapidary Studio, amending the maximum number of members to six.

Finance Committee – Approve RV Lot Lease

MOVED and duly approved to refer Leisure World Trailer Club lease, for the period of August 1, 2020 through December 31, 2021, for $1.00 to the Recreation Committee for review. Adopt 40-5523-2, Accounts Receivable Collections -Fees MOVED and duly approved to adopt 40-5523-2, Accounts Receivable Collections – Fees, as presented, removing the fees from 40-5523-1, Accounts Receivable Collections. Finance Committee – Amend 40-2920-3, Budget Controls MOVED and duly approved to amend 40-2920-3, Budget Controls, restructuring the document language in a more concise form, as presented. Finance Committee – TENTATIVE VOTE - Amend 40-5061-2, Fees CONCURRED to remove this item from the agenda packet. Finance Committee – Amend 40-5115-3, Finance Committee Charter MOVED and duly approved to amend 40-5115-3, Finance Committee Charter, revising the procedure to appoint a Vice Chair and clarifying the duty of the Committee regarding review and analysis of funding requests, as presented. Finance Committee – Amend 40-5523-1, Accounts Receivable Collections MOVED and duly approved to amend 40-5523-1, Accounts Receivable Collections, updating GRF Committee name (Communications/IT) and referencing governing document 40-5523-2, Accounts Receivable Collections – Fees, for returned check fees, as presented.

Physical Property Committee – Capital Funding Request – Amphitheater Loft Location

MOVED and duly approved to award contracts to Schlick Services, $12,522, Custom Glass, $2,935, Cornerstone Flooring, $6,543 and Projector Screen Store (material, shipping, and tax), $2,000, adding a project contingency of $6,000, for a total cost not to exceed $30,000, for the upgrades to the Amphitheater Loft, Capital funding, and authorize the President sign the required contracts and/or the Executive Director to initiate the purchases. Physical Property Committee – Capital Funding Request – Clubhouse Three, Storage Closet Addition MOVED and duly approved to award a contract to Bruno Alvarez, General Contractor, for the addition of approximately 190 to 200 square feet to Clubhouse Three, for the purpose of storage of Trust property, in the amount of $37,000, and add a $3,000 contingency, for a total cost not to exceed $40,000, Capital funding, and authorize the President sign the contract. Physical Property Committee – Reserve Funding Request – Paving Project, Foxburg Road MOVED and duly approved a change order to MJ Jurado, for the complete grind and overlay of Foxburg Road, the removal of roots, and the replacement of flow lines and gutter, in the amount of $96,225 and a $10,000 contingency, for a total cost not to exceed $106,225, Reserve funding, and authorize the Physical Property Chairperson to sign the change order. Physical Property Committee – Reserve Funding Request – Trust Property Improvement, Safety Fence Replacement MOVED and duly approved to award a contract to MJ Jurado, for the replacement of Trust Property pedestrian safety fences, located at St. Andrews and Clubhouse Three, in an amount not to exceed $21,465, Reserve funding, and authorize the President sign the contract. Recreation Committee – Cancellation of Scheduled and Budgeted 2020 Recreation Programs Due to COVID-19 MOVED and duly approved the cancellation of all Recreation Department events for the remainder of 2020, including the Amphitheater season, as well as GRF and Library events and excursions, Exhibit A in the agenda packet, as amended. Recreation Committee – Approve Naming of Golf Course MOVED and duly approved the naming of the Trust property known as the Golf Course to Turtle Lake Golf Course and further approve awarding a $250 gift card to the shareholder/member who submitted the winning name. Recreation Committee – Approve Mini Farm Lease/ Plan MOVED and duly approved the Mini Farm Lease Agreement, as presented. Recreation Committee – TENTATIVE VOTE – Adopt 70-1451-1, Fitness Center Rules MOVED and duly approved to refer 70-1451-1, Fitness Center Rules to the Recreation Committee and to corporate counsel for review. Recreation Committee – TENTATIVE VOTE – Amend 70-1406-1, Limitations on Use of Trust Property – Rules MOVED and duly approved to refer 70-1406-1, Limitations on Use of Trust Property - Rules, to the Recreation Committee for review. Recreation Committee – TENTATIVE VOTE – Amend 70-1412-2-1, Smoking Prohibition MOVED and duly approved to amend 70-1412.02-1, Smoking Prohibition, expanding the smoking prohibition to all GRF amenities and including “vaping” to products prohibited at all GRF amenities, pending a 28-day notification to the members, and a final decision by the GRF Board of Directors on November 24, 2020. Recreation Committee – Amend 70-1422-3, Marquee Usage MOVED and duly approved to refer 70-1422-3, Marquee Usage, to the Recreation Committee for review. Recreation Committee – Amend 70-1423-3, Bulletin Board Usage MOVED and duly approved to amend 70-1423-3, Bulletin Board Usage, updating the bulletin board locations and advising that any additional bulletin board locations will be determined by the Recreation Committee, as presented. Recreation Committee – Amend 70-1447-1, Use of Community Facilities, Mini Farm - Rules MOVED and duly approved to amend 70-1447-1, Use of Community Facilities, Mini Farm – Rules, establishing that Mini Farm plots holders must be GRF Members in good standing, adding a prohibition against alcoholic beverages, animals (excepting Qualified Service Animals), firearms, and radios, establishing rules for the length of leases, plot abandonment, lessee responsibilities of the plots, lessee guests, establishing plot maintenance expectations, establishing conditions for vacating a plot, establishing lease non-compliance actions, and informing plot holders that the Recreation Department has the right to review and adjust operating rules and to enter any plot at any time, as amended (increasing the Annual Plot Lease Fee to $100). Recreation Committee – Amend 70-2609-1, GRF Equipment MOVED and duly approved to amend 70-2609-1, GRF Equipment, establishing that custodial staff will monitor and document GRF equipment usage and establishing the conditions of loss of Clubhouse privileges, as presented. Security, Bus & Traffic Committee – Adopt 80-1930-1, Traffic – Rules MOVED and duly approved to refer the following governing documents to the Security, Bus & Traffic Committee for review: 80-1930-1, Traffic – Rules, 80-1930-3, Traffic – Procedures, 80-1937-1, Traffic – Rules, 80-1920-1, Traffic Rules and Regulations, 80-1925-1, Traffic Rules and Regulations – Enforcement on Trust Property, 80-1925-1, Parking Rules for Trust Property, and 80-1928-1, Golf Cart and Low Speed Vehicles Rules. Website Ad hoc Committee – Capital Funding Request – Approve Contract with StormBrain MOVED and duly approved the service proposal from Storm Brain, for the website redesign project, in an amount not to exceed $57,930, Capital funding, and authorize the President to sign the proposal.

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